View Full Version : Fresh install or Install over?

2005-01-25, 10:17 AM
I just received the Revit Series 2 (Revit 7 & Autocad2005) CD today. (we are on a subscription BTW) What is the best way to install Revit 7 & AutoCAD 2005. Do I have to uninstall Revit 6 and Autocad 2005 or just install over it? I noticed that the new CD has a new Serial number.


2005-01-25, 10:31 AM
I am sure installing a new version of Autocad would behave the same as Revit, but when you install a new version of Revit the Installer will tell you that you have a previous version of Revit installed and it will prompt you whether you wan to get rid of it before installing, but you don't have to. They are 2 different programs and have 2 different directories they are installed in, and actually, it has been proposed that you shouldn't get rid of your previous version of Revit until you feel very comfortable with the new Revit, and I tend to agree with that.

No, you don't have to do a fresh install.:-D

2005-01-25, 11:18 AM
And check that the release version of Revit on the CD is that latest release it certainly wasn't when I recieved it. You may be better off loading only Acad2005 from the CD and downloading the latest version of Revit7

2005-01-25, 05:51 PM
Factory concurs. ;-)

2005-01-26, 01:46 AM
thank you all.
I forgot to add that I already installed Revit 7 (early build) w/c I downloaded from Autodesk website and the 60 days grace period had expired already. Shall I uninstall it or I can just activated it using the new serial number?

2005-01-26, 03:00 PM
If it is an older build you should uninstall and re-install the newer build.

2005-01-26, 03:27 PM
Check if the build that you already installed is older or newer than the one that you received. If you already installed the latest then you don't need to spend any time with installation. You can simply register your expired trial using provided serial number.

If on the other hand you need to install a newer build than don't bother with uninstalling a previous 7.0 build. Proceed directly with installation of a newer build and it will automatically uninstall older build for you.