View Full Version : Xref only Specific Layer

2012-02-22, 04:44 PM
I am trying to create an Xref that excludes a few layers. Basically I would like to create a set of drawings that I can upload to AutoCAD WS that doesnt include cetain types of information. My company has security standards when it comes to having employee and program names listed on our drawings, if the drawings are to reside in the cloud. I would like to create an Xref without these layers, so that I can have our drawings within AutoCAD WS stay current with the changes we make in our original drawings. Please any help would be appreciated.

2012-02-22, 06:08 PM
just for job protection, it might be a good idea to get your companies legal counsel to review the terms of service for AWS, and let them determine that it's really something they want the company to utilize. There may be more than one mine in that field.....

2012-02-22, 06:11 PM
Yes I am already in communication with our security team. There are a few other elements I would like to exclude from the Xref as well but the principal is the same. Thanks for the tip though.

2012-02-22, 07:27 PM
your security team are the corporate attorneys?

FWIW - under my current employer's technology polciy, using AutoCAD WS is technically a firing offense due to the Tos attached to using that service.

2012-02-23, 01:18 PM
If I'm understanding the request, you want to be able to work on a drawing, but send out a limited version of that via web services. It seems that the simplest way to accomplish that would be to have two copies of the Xref, one with the information that is used in-house, and one lacking the information that is distributed. While in-house, use the full version, but only distribute the limited version.

Before disseminating the drawing, change the file that is loaded for the Xref instance. For example,

the working fille is named Working.dwg, and has one XREF attached, as XREF1. In house, you are using XREF_INTERNAL and loading that as XREF1. Before sending Working.dwg out, use the XREF command, unload XREF1, and browse for XREF_EXTERNAL to reload it.

I'm not aware of any way to do that transparently, unless you save the two Xref files with the same name...