View Full Version : Static vs Dynamic Level Head Positions in Views

2012-02-22, 09:15 PM
I have a project in which I previously created several levels. Many created views later I found the need to add some additional levels. The previously created level heads will dynamically move with a section boundary so that the head and the text are always outside of the boundary unless that boundary is pulled beyond the extents. If the section boundary is decreased the level heads also move inwards with the boundary.

The newly added levels do not behave in this manner. They remain where I manually drag them to and do not reposition when the section boundaries are moved. I have checked the properties between the newly added and the previously added levels and do not see any obvious differences. All levels have had their 3D extents maximized.

Any pointers on getting the the new levels to observe section (and I suppose crop) boundaries? I'd really like to avoid having to go and adjust every single view's level heads and to have to readjust after ever boundary tweak as well.


2012-02-22, 09:55 PM
Well, I've managed to get more confused. If I take one of the previously created, properly behaving level lines and manually adjust it in a view it ceases to respect the movement of the section boundary just like the newly created levels.

The only way I can restore that functionality at this point is to use the undo command. I have no idea how to apply that functionality to level lines that are not already functioning as I wish them to.

2012-02-23, 01:54 PM
30 views and no one knows what differentiates whether a level head will move with a section boundary or not?

apparently I am not alone:

2012-02-23, 02:02 PM
And the answer is:
right click on the affected gird line and click "Reset to Crop".

Thanks for all the help!

2012-02-23, 02:19 PM
This may be related to the 2d/3d extents of the datum. Their are times when the "automatic" clipping to the crop boundary can get broken. I was able to reproduce the problem by dragging the crop boundary around rather than using the control grips to change its' position.

If they become unlinked from one another you can try selecting the level indicator and then right click and select "reset to crop" this should restore the relationship of the level indicator to the crop region of the view.

EDIT: You have discoverd the answer as I was composing my response. I am glad you figured out the solution. :-)