View Full Version : Key Notes by View?

2012-02-22, 11:10 PM
Our office ACAD standard is to use keynotes on details similar to details seen in UL book with keynotes specific to each detail. Is this possible in Revit.

2012-02-29, 09:07 PM
Sure it's possible. Which part is giving you trouble?

2012-04-18, 07:52 PM
thanks for replying. sorry for the late reply to your reply, I quit looking after about a week. the part we are having trouble with is getting a set of key notes to be dedicated to one view rather than by project or by sheet. If we have 20 details in a project, we'd like 20 different sets of key notes so that each can be read for each detail without having to have one group per sheet. If you could explain how this can be done it would be GREATLY appreciated.

Dimitri Harvalias
2012-04-18, 09:49 PM
Can't be done as far as I know. Sheet level filtering is as granular as it gets.
If I may ask; will each detail or view have a different values for keynoting the same elements, ie gypsum board may be keynoted as a 9 in one detail and as a 5 in another? Or will common objects have common keynote values? Are you just trying to save the reader the trouble of sending their eyes from one end of the sheet to the other?

2012-04-18, 10:34 PM
The "poor man's" keynote, the Noteblock approach, might work for you. You place an annotation symbol family. It has a unique type for each note. You'd have 20 noteblockmfamilies and each would have as many types as you have unique notes. You'd make a Noteblock schedule assigned to each Noteblock family and place it on the sheet with the relevant details. All you are really scheduling is the occurrence of the symbol. There is no real connection between the model and your Noteblock symbol other than the fact that you point a leader at the element in the model.

2012-04-19, 01:07 AM
Not sure I understand the Pat's approach here. Do you mean that note "1" in one view for say gypsum board, might be note "7" on the detail next to it on a sheet? That sounds a bit odd.....oh, I see Dimitri asked the same thing....sorry!!

What about creating A4 sheets with one detail per sheet. The keynote filtering by sheet would work then?

2012-04-20, 02:19 PM
yes you got it, rather than having one list of key notes per sheet (which also have different numbers for same notes), it would be one list per detail, just like the details you see in the UL book for instance. seems like not too much to ask but I guess it is.

2012-04-20, 02:21 PM
i will suggest that approach to the boss. thanks!

Alfredo Medina
2012-04-20, 03:33 PM
yes you got it, rather than having one list of key notes per sheet (which also have different numbers for same notes), it would be one list per detail, just like the details you see in the UL book for instance. seems like not too much to ask but I guess it is.

As others have mentioned, what you are asking for is probably a Note Block. Please refer to this article by Jeff Hanson in Wikihelp: http://wikihelp.autodesk.com/Revit/enu/Community/Examples/Using_Note_Blocks_for_Numbered_Notes