View Full Version : Callout Head Text Problem

2005-01-25, 01:31 PM
I am trying to show a callout of an RCP along with a callout of a plan. I have duplicated the plan and now need to identify the callout head with an RCP identifier. The default commercial template has a callout head with a label that I thought was the answer. It, however does not display in the project.

Any thoughts?


2005-01-25, 01:54 PM
I will try to help, but I don't think I understand the exact situation...

First, the SIM label next to the callout is when you make a "Reference Callout" you can create various types of "Reference Callouts" to have different labels (i.e. SIM, OPP. HAND, etc.) This feature is not what I think you are looking for.

Now, maybe it is obvious, but just wanted to make sure that RCP stands for Reflected Ceiling Plan. Now, if that is the case I don't know of an intuitive way to do that using the common Revit commands. I would question the reason to have an RCP Identifier, I personally have never distinguished the callout that way. ....BUT, what you could do is just modify the current callout and add an additional text (you can choose the parameter to make it visible or not, and I would suggest making it not visible a default) and when you load it in the file you will have updated all the callouts and you would have added an additional feature......a RCP callout identifier!!!! :-D What I would do then is make a duplication of this callout and name the duplicate "RCP" or something like that, then make the RCP Identifier visible. Then what you would have to do is just choose all the callouts that should have this RCP Identifier and change to the just duplicated callout.

I hope this makes sense.....I would say good luck, but I don't believe in Luck....

2012-06-27, 08:04 PM
The visibility parameter does not work with callout/level/section heads. I have created text in a callout head that I want to manually control the visibility of but cant seem to find any way to manipulate this parameter in the project. Maybe I am wrong?