View Full Version : Model Linework vanishing...

2005-01-25, 02:37 PM
You'll see in the attached file that I've got a simple wall insert (generic model) which needs to be joined to the wall for the proper linework (no problem). However when the geometry is joined all model linework is lost - that doesn't seem right. Ideas?

2005-01-26, 04:46 AM
Hmmmm. Intersting. So, you HAVE to join the element to the wall? Looks not so bad un-joined. Have you submitted this as a bug?

Wes Macaulay
2005-01-26, 04:51 AM
Yeah - I tried nuking the void in the family and reloading it into the project - no difference. This has the feel of a bug alright!

2005-01-26, 08:57 AM
Just had a similar problem but with symbolic lines. A column with a base detail and we turned off the visibility of the base in plan, used symbolic lines to just show the simple profile in plan. Joined the column to the wall, the symbolic lines vanished and the base solid became visible.

2005-01-26, 02:38 PM
Confirmed from factory this is a bug. I've been assured this will be (has been) fixed in 8.0...

2005-01-26, 03:05 PM
Just to poll your opinion regarding this bug:

What would you prefer when opening a 7.0 file in 8.0 ?
Keep it as it was, or start to show the (previously incorrectly) vanished pieces ?

2005-01-26, 03:12 PM
Corrected. Worst case is I've got some extra 2D linework on top of the correct information.