View Full Version : 2012 Parameters

2012-02-27, 08:35 PM
Is it possible to create a parameter that utilizes calculated data in a schedule? I want to make a column that takes the Area divided by the Programmed area creating a % variation from the programmed area. While I can do this by creating a formula using the calculated data, I want to be able to use this in creating a color scheme showing the variances by ranges.

I can also do this by entering the % variance by hand in a column but if this can be done by creation of a parameter that does the math and then transfers to the color fill scheme, it would save time. That way you could see the variations in real time.

If this is possible, could someone let me know how to do it?



Mike Sealander
2012-02-27, 08:43 PM
Are you trying to create a color scheme plan where the area of color for a particular room is equal to the programmed area, and not the actual area?

2012-03-05, 05:51 PM
What I am hoping to be able to do is to provide a color fill that provides a different color for different ranges. for example, if the Area / Programmed area is less than 95% the color would be red, if the result was between 95 and 99%, the color would be orange. If the area was the same, no color would be applied. If it was over between 101% and 105%, the color would be green, if was over 105% it would be some other color.

This allows you to get a good visual of where you need to modify the plans to make the area adjustments.

I can create a calculated value that will provide the numerical data. I then have to enter the numerical data by hand into another parameter column. The range function will then provide the color assignments as indicated above.

It would be good if the calculated value could transfer directly to the parameter (column) that has the ability to provide the color fill ranges without having to manually enter the percentages. The problem is when you go and make changes and the Area/Programmed Area ration changes, you then have to go in and modify the manually entered data.

2012-03-05, 10:33 PM
My very first Revit API program was written for just this purpose. We wanted to know how close the designers came to the program.

I would offer it to you, but I am no longer at that firm and I didn'tkeep the source code anyway. Also, I don't know if programming is up your alley.

As a beginner project, it wasn't very fast, either.

2012-03-05, 11:02 PM
I also think you would need a custom API to accomplish exactly what you want. Although, another alternative is to use the "Conditional Format..." tool in a room schedule. It's under the Formatting tab in the schedule properties window. This won't give you a nice colored floor plan but you can quickly see where your areas are over/under in the schedule view.

Attached is an example showing the calculated value for occupancy load colored light blue for values less than 10 (notice it only colors cells on rows that have all the required data for the calculation).