View Full Version : Civil 3D question - import points from excel, coordinates and attributes

2012-03-02, 01:53 PM
Trying to import an excel file with points, along with information on the poles, how can I import the files into civil 3d to where I can attach an attribute for each pole, poles have coordinates. Need some solutions please!

2012-03-02, 05:09 PM
Hotrod, your best bet...assuming this is more information thant
Point Number
Zed (elevation)
Additional information

If it is ONLY PNEZD, then import the points
assign them to a group
give the group a Label Style that shows as much information as you desire

IF it is PNEZD and additional data it's a little more complicated.

First create User Defined properties that match the columns in the Excel File
Then creat a Point File format that Matches the data, i.e.
Point Number - Northing - Easting - Z (elev) - Pole Attribute 1 - Pole Attribut 2 etc.
Then when you import these points
assign them to a group as in the instruction above
Assign them a point Label style - that uses the now defined User Defined Properties that are assigned to the points from the Excel file.

I typically cover this technique with my intermediate to advanced C3D users in my classes.
Feel free to post any further questions, keep in mind the order of operation is import in the above steps.