View Full Version : Moving Feature Lines Without Elevations Changing....

2012-03-06, 01:46 PM
I have a group of feature lines (sports field) used as break lines in my site model. I have the lines graded with all vertices and intermediate points at the desired design elevations. I want to move these features as a group within my site to optimize grading and slopes.

However, when I move the feature lines (sports field) as a group to a new location, all the elevations go to zero or strange negative numbers. This means I have to regrade the features (sports field) and it takes a LOT of time.

How can I move a group of feature lines within a model and NOT HAVE THE ELEVATIONS CHANGE in the feature lines?

Thank you in advance for your help.

2012-03-06, 04:06 PM
How are you moving them?

Are you SNAPPING to an object with the incorrect Z elevation?

Or are you keying in complete coordinate pairs?

Can I see your data?

2012-03-07, 02:46 PM
If you snap to a point on the feature line to specify the base point, then snap to a point at elevation 0 to specify the second point you will see results like you describe.

Try using the .xy point filter for both the base point and second point. When prompted for the Z value type in 0. Or you could set OSNAPZ to 1 before moving them.

2012-03-07, 04:50 PM
Thank you for the replies. If I turn Object Snap off when performing the move it keeps the original feature line elevations. If object snap is on, it snaps to something and relatively messes up the feature line elevations at the new location.

Both responses moved me in that direction. Thank you for your help!