View Full Version : 2012 Stack wall orientation

Bryan Thatcher
2012-03-06, 03:43 PM
One of the walls in a stacked wall is orientated differently than I want. How do I move it to the other side? The Flip check box mirrors it around the wrong face. Thanks.

Bryan Thatcher
2012-03-06, 03:44 PM
got it! - Offset.

Mike Sealander
2012-03-07, 01:53 AM
Some people love them, but not me.

2012-03-07, 04:23 PM
I don't like them either. I have tried using them several times for instances where they make perfect sense - such as 2 wall types stacked that are used everywhere around a building. Problem comes when you try to do other things like ohhh say, sketch a floor by picking walls perhaps? Sketch line always goes to the CENTER of the stacked wall assembly. You can tab-select an individual wall in the assembly, but then you can't select the whole chain of that single wall in the assembly. So then you have to go around and tab select (hit Tab at least twice) for every single wall that you want to host the floor sketch line.

And don't even get me started on when the bottom portion of the bottom wall or the division between the wall types has to change heights.

Great in theory, terrible in practice.