View Full Version : Problem w/ project base pt lining up w/ arch

2012-03-07, 04:28 PM
So I have fouled something up and not sure how. My Elec model's Project Base Point is the same as the Arch model's Project base point. Yet I am told and confirmed that my model is 5' off in the east and 1" off in the south. In my model I brough the arch model in with the origin to origin method and on my end evereyting lines up beautifully but not on the architects end. Why would this be and what would be the best way to fix? Trying to fix this issue before the next upload so I am in panic mode. Thanks.

cliff collins
2012-03-07, 04:45 PM
see the attached PDF

Alfredo Medina
2012-03-07, 08:15 PM
... My Elec model's Project Base Point is the same as the Arch model's Project base point. ...

Most likely one of the two offices is not inserting links by the same method, origin to origin, or at one of the offices somebody moved a pinned project base point. The project base points of the two models can be at the relative same place in relation to the building, but still be at different positions in relation to the origin.