View Full Version : Wall based elements

Nic M.
2003-10-22, 08:19 AM
I'm in the process of doing an electrical plan
Placed wall based electrical fixtures, lighting fixtures, ...
Boss chaged the :evil: thing
Now I can't find a command to change the wall base elements to another wall.
Yes I can slide the element along the wall, but it has to go to another wall.
Do I have to delete all my wall based elements and place them again?
Am I 'm missing something?
Is this a wishlist item?

2003-10-22, 08:58 AM

When you select the element, the "Move", tick the Disjoin box.

Nic M.
2003-10-22, 09:10 AM
:shock: soooo obvious
Thanks again Beegee

2003-10-24, 05:15 PM
Can't get it. When I try to move a window, (move command with disjoin picked) Revit says:

"Can't place inserts outside of hosts. These elements won't be copied."

and then deletes the objects.

Allen Lacy
2003-10-24, 05:18 PM
You cannot move a window out of its host wall. If you're copying, it's easier to right click and place similar.

Nic M.
2003-10-24, 06:53 PM
it's easier to right click and place similar.

Notting to do with my previous question. But if I pick place similar the family default to the type properties.
Since I have allot of element properties I want it to default to the element properties.
That said the "place similar" function is useless to me.

2003-10-25, 12:09 AM

Just use the "Copy" command instead of "place similar". ( CO keyboard )
That will copy the instance of the family.

2003-10-27, 03:53 PM
Can't get it. When I try to move a window, (move command with disjoin picked) Revit says:

"Can't place inserts outside of hosts. These elements won't be copied."

and then deletes the objects.

Generally, this should work. Using Move with Disjoin checked you can move windows to another wall as long as the new wall is parallel to the original wall. The message about being outside of hosts indicates that when the window was moved it wasn't moved to exactly the right place. Make sure that the From and To picks in the Move command are on the same side of the wall. In other words, if the first pick snaps to the bottom or left of the original wall, make sure that the second pick snaps to the bottom or left of the new wall.

2012-02-20, 06:42 PM
I too in a family am getting this error message - "Can't place inserts outside of hosts." It's a blank wall based plumbing family that has 2D plumbing sub families inserted into. I did it this way because groups aren't that speedy and I am trying to minimize the components people have to sort thru.


2015-07-15, 01:22 PM
Copying doors (or some other oelements) along the wall: check wheather the wall's Base constraint is at 0.00.