View Full Version : Owner Provided Items Shown Dashed

2012-03-09, 07:16 PM
Hey gang,
Here is a quick one for you. How would you handle this? I have a couple doors that are going in during the "New Construction" pahse but are owner provided and need to be shown dashed. How would you handle it without creating a custom family for that door?

Alex Page
2012-03-09, 07:50 PM
Put in some text in one of the parameters of your choice, then use view filters to look for doors with that value in them, and then show them dashed - explained in images better:

2012-03-09, 08:04 PM
Awesome Alex! Thank you, that worked slick! 8)

Mike Sealander
2012-03-10, 02:48 PM
Let me second that. This is a great tip that has completely escaped me to date. Thanks!

Alex Page
2012-03-10, 07:46 PM
Note that I would be more l ikely to name the filter as "Owner Provided" instead of "Owner Provided Doors" and select most of the Revit categories in the filter definition: Then it would work for, say Owner's kitchen fixtures like fridges etc as well

2012-03-10, 11:56 PM
Yes, excellent question and excellent answer. It never fails, I always learn more than I was after here. Thank you.