View Full Version : 2012 FBX to 3ds... columns crash 3ds

2012-03-12, 07:29 PM
I have a not so big Revit model, 160MB. And it's in the early phases of design, so not a huge mount of detail. I'm trying to learn 3ds for rendering using an FBX export from Revit brought in as a link, so I can reload it when the design changes.

I turned off most categories, exported, and set up my 3ds scene. Then I turned on some more stuff. When I went to reload the file in 3ds, it crashed! So now I'm trying to figure out what crashed it by exporting one category at a time. Not sure what is the offending category, yet, but has anybody else encountered this problem?

UPDATE: I've found at least three offending categories: columns, doors, and stairs. There may be more, but I haven't tried them all.