View Full Version : Huge .dwg files, yet everything is purged

2005-01-26, 01:31 PM
I have autocad 2000. Some of my .dwg's are 2,000kb in size and higher. When you have 10 to 15 .dwgs in one project that are this big, this becomes a real problem. If I try to steal or use anything from these large .dwg files it corrupts the new .dwg as well. If I cut and paste anything from these huge .dwg files into a new .dwg. The file size of the .dwg I paste into will jump from 200kb to 1800kb or higher. Things I have tried to bring the .dwg file size down.

1. Purge everything (This helps a little)
2. Cut and paste R2000 .dwg into new R2000 format (This did nothing)

There are only 10-15 layers, 4-5 different font styles, 4-5 linetypes loaded. I can find nothing to cause these .dwg files to be so big. (2,000kb or more) There has to be something in these .dwgs I can not see on the screen. Please help!

One thing I found that would bring .dwg file size down was:

1. Convert R2000 .dwgs to R14 .dwg
2. Open .dwg in R14 Cut and Paste .dwg to new R14 format
3. Save as R14
4. Open same .dwg in R2000 and save as R2000 (The .dwg size will fall from 2,500kb down to 200kb or less.

This process is far to long. To convert R2000 .dwgs that are 2,000kb or higher to a R14 format takes 4-6 mins. Not to mention having to re-xref title blocks reset ..dwg into paper space and plotting parameters. To finally have a R2000 .dwg file small enough to send to clients.

Please any ideals on how to get these files sizes down without converting, would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Glenn Pope
2005-01-26, 02:25 PM
Chances are it a lot of layer filters in your drawings. Check out these threads.

Need Help Deleting "Named Layer Filters" (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=4342)

LAYER MANAGER DELAY IN 2005 LT & LSP (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=12039)

Unwanted Named Layer Filters? (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=11447)

2005-01-26, 02:27 PM

Have you had a look at layer filters and how to delete them?

Try this link for an overview:


2006-03-20, 03:45 PM
Another thing that I found in AutoCad2000 that causes file bloating is the viewres setting in each viewport (if you are using layout tabs with viewports). If the viewres setting for circle zoom percent is high in each viewport, it will cause the file size to be large. You have to check/change the setting in each viewport. Change the setting to something below 1000. See below. Some viewports are set very high and really cause large files sizes.
Command: viewres
Do you want fast zooms? [Yes/No] <Y>:
Enter circle zoom percent (1-20000) <1000>:100

It doesn't seem to be a problem in later versions.

2006-03-20, 06:20 PM
Thank you, for responding. I will keep this in mind in the future. I was unaware that this could cause large cad files.

2006-03-20, 06:28 PM
Also see Interesting Bug Case Study - Bloaters (http://www.intelcad.com/pages/recover/main.htm#Interesting%20Bug)