View Full Version : 2012 Stacked Wall - Complexity

2012-03-19, 02:27 PM
Just wondering what people are doing about pre-cast wall panels that have varying thickness's of concrete, insulation, concrete. i.e. 5"Conc. 3"Insul. 4"Concrete (exterior). On top of that I have face brick (3-5/8") with a 4" air space. (See attached IMAGE1.jpg) I have the brick layer wrapping at both ends and inserts. However I do not want the brick to come in as far as it is. How do I make this do what I want? (faked in photoshop See attached IMAGE2.jpg) Or do I have to make two separate walls that touch each other's faces?


2012-03-19, 03:25 PM
For the wrapping, I'd deal with that with the Cut Profile tool in your details. I'd set the wall not to wrap at openings and then just deal with it in the detail(s).

If you need it to show on overall plans, then I guess two walls would work. It seems like a trade-off: overall plans, but dealing with two walls; or just editing the detail, but shows incorrectly in plans (at medium or fine detail level).

2012-03-19, 06:26 PM

At wall ends, you are limited to choosing the interior OR exterior materials.
At insets (doors/windows) you can choose both the interior AND exterior materials to wrap. The location of the door/window is what determines how deep the materials will extend.

Knowing these conditions, you may wish to tweak your openings to control where they dictate the return of materials, OR add jamb conditions to the doors/windows that use the same materials as your wall assembly.