View Full Version : Error Message : Won't Save

2012-03-21, 03:30 AM
First off sorry for this being my first post I just really don't know what else to do. I've noticed that there have been a few people who have had this problem in the past, but they were way back in 2009. Everything that was said on the previous threads I tried to no success.

When I first start up a project, I get the message: "Your file is already open for editing by another user. You will be unable to save any changes before that user closes the file."

I am working on Revit 2012, but it is the free downloaded student version on my laptop, with the full purchased version on the school computers. I work off of an external hard drive so I can bring all my stuff with my back and forth from campus. Is it the educational version that might be causing this?

Its not set as Read-Only and it isn't for public whatever with the whole "Detach from Central" box thing.

However. When borrowing a friends flash drive it was able to save, as well as to the desktop, but only once, and even if you delete it from the desktop it will still not save. What I did was save the file to a new flash drive, get on a new computer, delete all the old Revit files I had on my external, made changes, and saved, and it worked. But now I am back at home trying to work on the project and immediately it gave me the no save message thing.

How do I fix this without never signing off a computer and leaving the campus??!?!

2012-03-22, 06:29 PM
Anyone? This is really putting a damper on my work.

2012-03-22, 06:43 PM
Can you just do a Save As and add a suffix to the file name?!

2012-03-22, 07:38 PM
Can you just do a Save As and add a suffix to the file name?!

The file wont save to a folder regardless of file name if it was previously saved in there before, deleted or not.

I have found that the only way I can save this file is if its in an entirely new folder that has never had anything revit related saved in it. This is really annoying and its hard for me to make progress on it.

2012-03-26, 07:20 AM
Anyone had this happening to them? Do I need to reformat a file or something?

2012-03-26, 08:06 PM
This is something that used to happed to me using Photoshop. Not that this is any help to you. Never found a cure, nor any pattern to the problem. It might be a windows / system thing as much as a revit problem.

2012-03-26, 08:59 PM
Sounds like this is a problem for your school IT department and/or Autodesk. If you don't own a Revit subscription, it might be difficult to get Autodesk's help, so I'd start with your IT.

Couldn't hurt to try uninstalling and re-installing Revit on your computer as a starting point.