View Full Version : Topo spot grades not working right on one machine

2012-03-30, 07:55 PM
This is the oddest thing I've ever seen. In a site grading plan in a building file, with a site (topo) file linked in, we're trying to place spot elevations on the linked topography. On my machine it works fine. On another machine the spots only read -1.00' when placed on the linked topography. Same view, same family being used. What could be the difference?

*edit* make that 2 machines in the office that are not working properly with the spot elevations.

Also we just found that the spots aren't even working right in a 3D view when hovering over the linked topography. On my machine it works fine with a spot in 3D, showing the correct real world elevation of the linked topography. But on the other 2 machines the spot elevation shows -1.00 over the entire linked topography. What the heck?!

cliff collins
2012-03-30, 09:07 PM
Shared Coordinates issue?

Check under Manage Links, and plus out the file names and see if there are "instances" of the Site File
which are checked/unchecked?

Try a test: Do a Detach from Central / Save-as, and pull the file up on the 2 machines which are reading incorrectly.


2012-03-30, 09:12 PM
I'll look but that still shouldn't make a difference. I even opened the Building central file directly on my machine (no local file) and verified that the spot grades worked fine. Then I went to the other machine, opened the same Building central file directly, and the spots still worked incorrectly. All the shared coordinates and every project setting is in the project file itself, which is why this is so weird that it would behave differently on different machine. It would have to be a Revit program issue on these two specific machines.

The other thing is that the spot elevations work fine in the Site file itself. For now we're setting up duplicate grading plan views in each file and setting them both to By Linked View, referencing the corresponding view in the other file, and then placing the spot elevations in the site file. It's tedious as all get-out, but it's working for now.

2012-03-30, 09:17 PM
Manage links? There are no plus symbols next to the links like there are in Visibility/Graphic overrides.

2012-03-30, 09:24 PM
Any chance you are using wireframe? Spot elevations don't work if the view isn't set to hidden or shaded.

2012-03-30, 09:46 PM
Yes they do, we always have our grading plans in wireframe and the spots work just fine, or they always have before, and they still do on my machine.

We tried 3D shaded and hidden line views, and the spots work on my machine but show the same -1.00 on the other machines, even in those 3D views.

2012-03-30, 10:10 PM
They will work when you click on an object, not a surface...in wireframe there isn't anything to "see" on a surface. Sounds strange. Different builds? What's different about the two pc's compared with the one that works.

Dimitri Harvalias
2012-03-30, 10:38 PM
Had a client with exactly this issue just last week. They traced it to different builds on the affected machines.

2012-04-02, 01:19 PM
They will work when you click on an object, not a surface...in wireframe there isn't anything to "see" on a surface. Sounds strange. Different builds? What's different about the two pc's compared with the one that works.

Sure it works. We've been doing it this way for a number of years now. Grading plans in wireframe, topo in linked site file, and spot elevations placed in the building file that reference the linked site topo. It's working this way on my machine right this second.

Normally the only issue we have is that the existing demolished topo needs to be turned off temporarily to place the spot elevations, because the spots in the building file will read whatever surface is higher (either existing or new topo). After all the spots are placed, then the existing demolished topo is turned back on in the linked file.

2012-04-02, 01:30 PM
I just verified that the machines having issues are in fact on the original 2012 build, 20110309 build I think. My machine is running Update 2. For some reason I guess I never got around to updating those machines. I'll try getting those updated and we'll see if it works.

*edit* just updated one machine in our office (not one of the two we were having problems with Friday), and the spot elevations work fine on that machine. I'll be updating the other two and checking them out later today.