View Full Version : HELIX TUBE SILDE

2012-04-04, 09:21 PM
A while back there was a Thread that discussed how to make a Helix Tube Silde. I got a project that the owner wants one. Any ideas on who to make one. The slide is 14'8" high, so it will need to past over part of the lower part of the slide.


2012-04-05, 12:19 AM
HI Doug,
We did one a while back but i cant seem to find it right now.
From memory we used a slab, this way we were able to adjust the height and slope of the slab points. Basically the slab mimiced the support rail of the slide. once that was correct we used a rail (i think) which will host to the slab and follow the line, the rail obviosly has a half pipe shape which looks likea slide, of course.

I will try to dig it up and see if I can post it.

Edit: Found it. See attached image for how we approached it. Pretty much as I described above. This was only used for concept stuff. With a bit of work you can get a good slide.

2012-04-05, 01:12 PM
I would take a look at using an adaptive component for this. It will be much more adaptable/configurable than any other solution.

Alfredo Medina
2012-04-08, 03:46 PM
I would take a look at using an adaptive component for this. It will be much more adaptable/configurable than any other solution.

Not necessarily. Sometimes we think that the conceptual design environment will be more capable of doing some things, but at the end, it fails to provide the means to make something like this in a way that is easy to create, easy to flex, easy to repeat. On the other hand, a parametric helix for a slide can be created correctly with more simple means, in the basic family editor, combining a swept blend, a profile with two types, a nested family, and a linear array. No problem with twisting, no problem with creating variations of the slide by parameters, no problems with the array.