View Full Version : 2012 How to manage Grid heads in Large scale Multi storey projects

2012-04-07, 04:24 PM
I have a classic problem at hand. I need to prepare the floor plans for a large scale multistorey residential building which has close to 35 floors. Now, the Bubbles of the Grid Lines at small scales of 200 and above go and merge with each other. This can't be avoided no matter how small the size of the grid head I use. So, the only option left with me is to go and manually split the grid heads and arrange them separately to align with each other. However, if this is done on One floor, these changes are not reflected in above floors. Thus, it leaves me with the inconsequent manual labor of adjusting the bubbles of hundreds of grids for different floor levels. If you are at the fag end of the delivery then this work is just purely a Pain in the ***....

If someone can help me in finding a way to create a sort of template or standard to make them appear same in the various floors, I would be really grateful.


Dimitri Harvalias
2012-04-07, 10:15 PM
Welcome to the forums.
At the risk of sounding unhelpful, it can be avoided simply by not showing all the grids. Ask yourself if all the grids are required at all scales or, if the larger scale views (1:200 +) are being used as a reference for detail plans (1:100 -). If this is the case then I would only show the grids at 'match line' locations so the reader can orient themselves.
You can control all the grids using a combination of filters and scope boxes so little or no manual coordination should be required.
Unless the project configuration is such that there are multiple buildings which need to be oriented and they are at odd angles to each other then, in my experience, the number of grids that overlap can be minimized.

2012-04-09, 06:07 PM
There's a really useful tool called Propagate Extents which I learned AFTER manually doing this to an entire project (sigh).
Set up one View the way you want to Grids to look - with the extents set up, and any "bends" in the grids so they don't bump into each other.
Then highlight each of the grids you want to see "bent" in other Views. Now - on your Ribbon you'll see a button called "Propagate Extents".
Click on that button, and you'll get a list of all of your Plans. Check off the ones you want and BAM! they're all set up that same.

2012-04-09, 07:18 PM
Unless this has been fixed recently, this tool doesn't work for any grids that are cropped. So it might be useful for a tower that has a footprint that will fit on one sheet, but it's been pretty useless for our larger projects that have to have several dependent plan views to cover everything. I haven't tried the scope boxes yet for controlling grid bubbles yet, but hopefully that will do the trick.

- Alex

2012-04-09, 08:35 PM
Propagate Extents doesn't apply to views that are cropped because most cropping of a view makes it fundamentally different from views that are uncropped. The 2D mode of grids is invoked in a view that is cropped as soon as the extent of a grid crosses over the boundary edge of a crop region.