View Full Version : Data Entry in Room Schedules

2012-04-10, 02:55 PM
We have a GSA project that requires extensive non-graphic data entry. The room parameters are set up in a GSA furnished template, so that's not a problem. However, repetitive entries in Revit schedules falls far short of Excel-like performance. For example, I have 25 rooms in a row that get "01" as their property. I would like to highlight all 25 and type 01 just once. Revit doesn't seem to allow that.

Does anyone know more about this? There are hundreds and hundreds of rooms in this project.

cliff collins
2012-04-10, 06:35 PM
Sounds like a job for a 3rd party app like Whitefeet Tools, Trelligence Affinity for Revit or Ideate BIM Link.

2012-04-10, 08:28 PM
Yep, unfortunately this sort of entry just isn't possible in Revit schedules. You can't even copy/paste and use the arrow key to quickly paste it in (used to be able to). Oh no, you have actually click in each and every cell before you can even Ctrl-V paste the data in there.

2012-04-10, 08:50 PM
I try to find common ways to "collapse" the schedule to enter data one time into multiple rows, you do this via sorting and grouping and not itemizing.

Dimitri Harvalias
2012-04-10, 08:56 PM
Cliff's suggestion is probably a better long term approach if you do this sort of thing frequently.
You can go a long way to getting this done by using plans in conjunction with schedules.
I'm guessing that rooms with common properties share other commonalities such as department, location on a floor area, occupancy etc.
If that's the case, open a plan view and tile it with your schedule.
Use the plan to select rooms with a major common property, let's say department.
Window select the rooms and filter so you you only have room objects.
The properties palette should allow you to change parameters for all these rooms at once.
Change all the common parameters you need to.
Let's say you now need to change the finishes for all rooms that have a common FUNCTION parameter. You can 'collapse' your schedule so it will only show a single instance of all rooms with a common parameter. Sort and group by the common parameter and then uncheck the 'show all instances' check box. You'll now be able to alter parameter values for every occurance of those rooms.
It sounds cumbersome but as you add data the available properties to group and sort by make it pretty quick.
I'll try to upload a video to demonstrate this if it's not clear enough.

(Scott appears to be able to express himself more more concisely);)

2012-04-10, 09:24 PM
Thanks everyone. The ideal solution is native two-way Excel compatibility in Revit. Lacking that, there are some 3rd party products to check out. CTC in Minneapolis has an interesting Revit-Excel link. I was hoping there was some hidden trick I didn't know about.

If AD is serious about the I in BIM, they should add some advanced non-graphic data entry tools.

Right now, there is an intern in NYC cursing Revit room schedules :lol:

Dimitri Harvalias
2012-04-10, 09:50 PM
Right now, there is an intern in NYC cursing Revit room schedules :lol:

For me it was hand drafting reflected ceiling plans for 25,000sf of 2x4 T-bar ceilings in Safeway stores! At least we had the sense to draw on the reverse side of the mylar floor plan. Ahhh, those were the days.

2012-04-11, 01:41 PM
At least you had double sided mylar. We had the shiny back stuff because the chief draftsman (the guy with the green visor) liked to bubble revisions with a china marker on the back!

2012-04-11, 09:09 PM
Found one trick that helps! (thanks to Sean at the CAD Technology Center in Minneapolis)

If you have a field in a schedule that is the same for every room you can enter them all at once. I had one such field. The GSA requires a room type. This is an entirely new building, so the room type for every Revit room is 01, the GSA code for new construction. To do it:

Create a new room schedule with just one field, the one you want to populate. They should all be empty.
sort the list, make sure you turn off "itemize every instance". You should have just one line in the schedule.
In that one line type anything "@$@$&(^&*^"
Turn "itemize every instance" back on
The entire list should now be populated

Be careful! Make sure you save before you try this. It crashed Revit the first time I tried it, but later it worked great!! This might be able to do sections of the schedule by adding more fields and sorting into groups. I haven't tried deletions, but I bet that will work too!

Just make sure you save first!!!

edit: [ deletion works too!!!! ]

2012-04-11, 09:32 PM
That's what Scott was getting at with his "collapse" a schedule using common criteria. If you want all of "something" to be editable as one row you need to sort by "something" and then un-check "Itemize every Instance"

2012-04-11, 09:47 PM
I realized that after rereading the thread.

I had contacted CTC because I was curious about their Revit2Excel product. Their 2011 version does not include schedule keys though, which is essential to the GSA template, so he mentioned the collapse technique as a consolation prize. (the space type is a GSA key) Since I had nearly a thousand rooms to be designated type "01", I thought it was worth a look. Despite the missing schedule key feature, I still think it's a worthwhile product.