View Full Version : Scheduling Isolated and Wall footings - Footing Thickness Parameter - One is system, the other not.

2012-04-10, 03:40 PM
Hi all,

I have house with a slab on grade. One of the interior walls is loadbearing. We're doing a thickened slab. I've created this by putting an isolated footing under the slab for the length of the wall. When I tried to use a wall footing it cut out at openings in the wall, and I couldn't get it to be continuous.

I am now faced with a problem with a system family parameter. Wall footings have a system family parameter which cannot be modified. Footing Thickness. This system family parameter is not in the isolated footing family. I tried putting a shared parameter in my file with the same name, but Revit then schedules both parameters separately with the same name.

I need to schedule this isolated footing as a strip footing for walls, but can't seem to get the wall footing to behave.

Is there a way to get a continuous wall footing through the openings, and extending beyond the wall end?
Is there a way I can get the wall footing system family to schedule it's thickness differently?

Alfredo Medina
2012-04-11, 01:39 PM
...Is there a way to get a continuous wall footing through the openings,

See "extend_wall_footing.jpg"

...and extending beyond the wall end?

See "do_not_break.jpg"

Is there a way I can get the wall footing system family to schedule it's thickness differently?

See "found_thickness.jpg"

For another alternative for scheduling foundation thickness without manual input, in different columns, see this article by The Revit Clinic:


2012-04-11, 02:55 PM
Alfredo, replying to your Edit reason, when you reply to a thread it defaults to the quick reply at the bottom of the page. Scroll down just a bit more (if needed) and you should see the Go Advanced button.

Alfredo Medina
2012-04-11, 03:22 PM
Alfredo, replying to your Edit reason, when you reply to a thread it defaults to the quick reply at the bottom of the page. Scroll down just a bit more (if needed) and you should see the Go Advanced button.

Thank you, Patrick, I can see the Go Advanced button, but I don't see the tools of the advanced editor of VBulletin, like this (from other forums):

2012-04-11, 07:22 PM
hmm that's exactly what I see when I click Go Advanced, but I don't see where to change it in my profile options, like most vB forums have.

Alfredo Medina
2012-04-11, 07:29 PM
hmm that's exactly what I see when I click Go Advanced, but I don't see where to change it in my profile options, like most vB forums have.

Hmm... if you can see them and I cannot, it must be some kind of option in one's profile, but where? :(

2012-04-19, 05:15 PM

I don't seem to understand the manual input bit of that diagram.
Am I adding some parameter to the wall footing system family? You can't do that can you?
Or am I somehow typing something into the schedule?
Or am I just positioning text on the sheet, over the schedule?

Alfredo Medina
2012-04-19, 06:16 PM
The suggestion to add a parameter was in regards to the isolated footing family, not to the system family. The manual input of the system family thickness is just to have all the thickness values in the same column. As I said, to avoid all manual input, you need to have the thickness values in different columns, as shown in that article from The Revit Clinic, referenced in reply #2 above.

2012-04-19, 06:56 PM
I just ended up putting the isolated footing that I have posing as a strip footing (poriton of a thickened slab) as the first strip footing type. Then I broke the schedules into three (duplicate with differnt filters). One for pad footings. One with a single entry for the fake strip footing, then the rest for the other strip footing types. I made a shared parameter for footing thickness in the pad footings. I put titles only on the pad footing schedule, then just stacked the three schedules up on the sheet. The pad footing displays the footing thickness shared parameter, and the strip footings display the family parameter for footing thickness, but it reads under the footing thickness header by arrangement on the sheet. Everything is still parametric. They all read as one schedule. I suppose it will get messed up by adding footings later, but it should only be an overlap on the sheet where they're laid out.

Actually, it would only get messed up by adding pad footings. As long as I add new strip footings after, it will still be OK. If I could align and lock schedules together, I would fix the possibility of overlap by adding strip footings.

Alfredo Medina
2012-04-19, 07:04 PM
That's fine. Have you seen the sample schedule in The Revit Clinic yet? It's one single schedule with 3 different thickness values.

On a side note, instead of using the wall footing tool, which can be problematic sometimes, you can use the beam tool.