View Full Version : Revit 2013 - Export to CAD

2012-04-12, 05:15 PM
So now that we have Revit 2013 and we want to export to DWG format, we don't have spaces between the words of our sheet names anymore? How is this format "Project1-Sheet-A031-INTERIORGLAZEDOPENINGS.dwg" better than "Project1 - Sheet - A031 - INTERIOR GLAZED OPENINGS.dwg"?

2012-04-12, 06:15 PM
Because anyone that uses a unix based system would have a hard time finding that file. Unix doesn't like spaces. While we run all of our workstations on Win7, our server is a unix based system. Of course we always have to rename them all anyway.
Just a guess.

2012-04-13, 11:22 AM
At that point, then, it would be easier to have the option instead of assuming we all have Unix based servers (which we don't). I'm hoping they fix this in service pack 1 and that this isn't the new standard.

2012-04-13, 08:05 PM
At that point, then, it would be easier to have the option instead of assuming we all have Unix based servers (which we don't). I'm hoping they fix this in service pack 1 and that this isn't the new standard.

Uhhhhhhhh..... let me guess your age :lol:

Actually, no spaces in filenames was the industry standard from Eniac all the way up to the day Microsoft decided to allow it. I think that day might have been Win 95.

I have MKS Unix on my machine alongside Windows. I could not live life without awk, grep, vi, sed and a few others. It copes with spaces-in-filenames by either "quotes around the filename" or\ escaping\ the\ spaces. To Windows people, this looks odd. To Unix people, it's a normal day's work. I never use spaces myself.