View Full Version : tagging nested families

Cathy Hadley
2005-01-27, 01:53 AM
From the help on nested families... it states that it always acts as one...

However,I know that you can now create a schedule that can report the name of the nested family...

but can the nested family be tagged separately? I can't figure out how if you cannot tab to select it? i.e. door nested into window family?

Hopefully I'm missing something easy.


Mr Spot
2005-01-27, 02:28 AM
AFAIK you cannot tag a nested family in family in a project...

The question i ask is why would you want? If you need to schedule this data separately then it should be two elements...?

2005-01-27, 02:08 PM
A few examples - I'd like to nest a door inside a curtain wall panel and have that go on the door schedule. With storefronts, the door panel is the same type I'm using elsewhere on the project. (I could do that on ADT...)

I'd like to tag each nested window in a window grouping with the individual window's type.

I'd like to have a mechanical or plumbing fixture with "connectors" nested inside the fixture and be able to tag these hook ups with the correct pipe type/size.

Cathy Hadley
2005-01-27, 04:28 PM
Bingo aaron - This one is on the wishlist is it not?
