View Full Version : Existing Wall Hatch

2012-04-18, 01:36 PM
I have a project where I'm using phases. I have existing walls, when I'm on the existing phase, they show with the materials (I use the medium detail setting). When I switch to the new construction phase they all turn to a solid black hatch. I'd like them to show the materials but all fade to a gray color in the new construction phase - or at least change to a solid gray color. I know that this is done in a visibility/graphics override somewhere but I haven't been able to figure it out.

Also, I learned yesterday that where new walls are intersecting the existing walls (new construction phase), they aren't really cleaning up the way I'd like. I end up with a white break within the existing black wall where the new wall intersects the existing perpendicularly (which again, I'd like to change to a version of gray). For some reason, this forum isn't letting me upload a picture of this so hopefully the description helps.

If anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd appreicate the help! Thank you.

Alfredo Medina
2012-04-18, 02:44 PM
It's a combination of settings. The view's phase settings plus the Phase Graphics override settings. Suppose that the views (existing and new) are set to Show Complete. Therefore, you go to the Phases dialog box, Phase Filter tab, and set "Overridden" for the Existing and New columns. Then, go to the Graphics Overrides tab, and set your choice for the Cut Pattern column on the Existing and New rows.

About the intersection of two walls, one existing and one new, the display should show the new wall in two segments, and the existing wall passing through. They don't really clean up. I did not see any issues in this part, but it would be good to see your sample image.

2012-04-18, 04:53 PM
Thanks! Those instructions help me with the color/pattern. I haven't used Revit for over a year and this is the first time I've not had in house support, so I usually don't have to go to the phasing tab which is why I didn't know it existed. As for the walls intersecting wrong, I tried to attach the image again - we'll see if it comes up correctly. Hopefully this will help. The way it reads it's as if the new wall splits the existing wall. In reality it would just butt up against it. I've tried to move the end back and forth and it doesn't seem to fix it.85207

2012-04-19, 12:06 AM
If no one offers a more clever way to keep the new Wall from "cutting" the existing one, you could grip edit the end of the new Wall to pull it back from the existing Wall. With the new Wall still selected, right click on the end grip and choose Disallow Join from the context menu. This will keep that end of the Wall from joining to other Walls. You should now be able to put the end of the new Wall at the face of the existing Wall and not have them join.

One word of caution - if you use grip editing to get the new Wall end to the face of the existing Wall after you disallow join, and your wall is drawn with the Location Line at Finish Face: Exterior, be aware that you get an extra grip (Allow Join) after you disallow join, and that grip will be all but on top of the Drag Wall End grip when the Location Line is at Finish Face: Exterior. You have to be careful when selecting the end grip, as the Allow Join grip appears to take precedence over it and clicking that will re-enable joining. You can either use the tab key cycle through the grip points (if the Drag Wall End grip is not initially highlighted when hovering in the vicinity) or, after the grips are displayed, if you use the mouse wheel to scroll in slightly, the grips will separate enough to be able to select the Drag Wall End grip.

2012-04-19, 01:26 PM
That "break" in the existing wall happens when you have two walls of the same type, or at least walls with the same core layer material, but on different phases. For some reason Revit thinks that core layer of the new wall needs to extend into and break the core layer of the existing wall. Happens to us all the time, and we also just use Disallow Join on the end of the new wall.