View Full Version : Combined ASMEP model?

2012-04-19, 03:15 PM
For those of you in an architectural/structural/MEP firm, do you have 1 model with all disciplines or multiple models (1 architectural, 1 structural, 1 mechanical, 1 electrical, 1 plumbing/fire protection)?

Just curious how others approach this.


[cross-posted in MEP group]

Thomas Maleski
2012-04-20, 12:27 PM
I would have three models, Architectural, Structural and MEP.

Reasons why:
Structural is exporting the model for analysis, don’t want some other trade moving structure by accident.
Combine the MEP since you still can’t create systems through a link. Mechanical equipment needs mechanical and electrical connections.

If the project is small enough I might try but we typically have 200mb Arch, 150mb Struc, and 300+mb MEP model.

2012-04-20, 03:21 PM
We're Architecture only, and we still split up our models.
We typically have a Shell and and Interior model.
Then we link in the engineering models from our consultants.
There's not a whole lot of down-side to splitting your model & they are far out-weighed by the up-sides.

2012-04-20, 04:42 PM
I still maintain that computer, server, and network technology just isn't "there" yet to be able to handle a fully combined, single model with who knows how many users trying to work in it. One day we'll get there for sure, and given additional safeguards about accidentally moving someone else's stuff, I think the combined single model is the "holy grail" of the BIM world as we know it. At least to me it is.