View Full Version : creating new labels

2005-01-27, 10:31 AM
I´m making a titleblock for fixed furniture diagram (elevations, plans of kitchen furniture etc.) and need labels like "apartment number" that don´t exist in the Select parameter dialog box. Maybe there´s a template for creating this sort of a titleblock where these labels can be found? I tried to make them shared parameters and bring them as instance parameters to the project but they show only as questionmarks. If someone could help me with this label-business! I'm new to Revit, been playing with it only for a week or two.

2005-01-27, 01:46 PM
Its a 2 step process, 1 create the shared parameter in your family, 2. load the shared parameter into your project. then when you load your family it will recognize the parameter.

To load it into your project you need to pull down the Settings menu, then project parameters, select the components you'd like the parameter to apply to.

2005-01-27, 01:53 PM
I wish I could say I fully understand what you are trying to achieve, but maybe I will mention a few things and you can help me understand more fully your goal.

You can add as many parameters as you want to title blocks. Now in 7.0 I even think they can be project base instead of instance based (unless there was a method 6.1 and earlier that I wasn't aware of) and yes, these become the shared parameters. These parameters won't extract information from objects, they just belong to the title block.
By the fact that you have question marks, it sounds like you are on 6.1 or earlier, so that is normal (let's say normal, in 7.0 they are blank) All you have to do is put information in them and the question mark will disappear. It sounds like you are doing it just fine, just put information in every title block of which apartment it is,etc.

If I haven't helped you, please give more specific examples....

BTW, this is my 100th post...hurray!!!!:smile: :Puffy::beer: (http://forums.augi.com/misc.php?do=getsmilies&wysiwyg=1&forumid=0#):lol: (http://forums.augi.com/misc.php?do=getsmilies&wysiwyg=1&forumid=0#)

Be tough,

2005-01-28, 09:48 AM
Thanks for the replies, guess I´ve done things pretty much the right way then. I just expected some sort of a sample text to show up instead of only a questionmark when you activate the titleblock. My Revit is version 7.0.

Helsinki FIN