View Full Version : 2010 TTF fonts not appearing

2012-04-22, 04:40 PM
I etransmitted my file at the office in order to work on it at home over the weekend in Autocad 2010, and the ttf fonts are missing. They are properly installed in the Windows\Fonts folder but are not showing up in Acad. In the txt file included in the etransmitted zip, there is the following note about font substitions:

The AutoCAD variable FONTALT was set to:

C:\Users\*****\appdata\roaming\autodesk\autocad 2011\r18.1\enu\support\simplex.shx

Please make sure that the FONTALT variable is set to this file or an equivalent before opening any drawings. All text styles with missing fonts are automatically set to this font.

Any help on how to correct this? Thanks.

2012-04-22, 05:20 PM
I etransmitted my file at the office in order to work on it at home over the weekend in Autocad 2010, and the ttf fonts are missing. They are properly installed in the Windows\Fonts folder but are not showing up in Acad. In the txt file included in the etransmitted zip, there is the following note about font substitions:

The AutoCAD variable FONTALT was set to:

C:\Users\*****\appdata\roaming\autodesk\autocad 2011\r18.1\enu\support\simplex.shx

Please make sure that the FONTALT variable is set to this file or an equivalent before opening any drawings. All text styles with missing fonts are automatically set to this font.

Any help on how to correct this? Thanks.

Do you mean that the font files are missing or drawing text that uses ttf fonts is missing?

The equivalent path on your home machine will probably be -
c:\Users\your username\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2010\R18.0\enu\Support\simplex.shx but what are you seeing where you should be seeing text in ttf fonts? The fact that the fonts are installed in \Windows\Fonts means acad should be using them.

Also, is this a 3d problem?

2012-04-22, 06:21 PM
Thanks for replying... No, this is not a 3d problem; I didn't understand the forum descriptions, sorry about that.

But I think you can help me solve this! When I open the cad file, the fonts are all changed to huge standard font (I think), when they used to be the right size Arial style on my office workstation. I need to do text editing and create new text but the placement looks all wrong. Inthe winddows font folder, I have the arial font, but it looks like the other two ttfs are missing. Is this the problem?

The following files were excluded from the transmittal:










2012-04-22, 06:40 PM
Got it! a quick visit to http://www.findthatfile.com/ and it looks OK now. Thanks!


2012-04-22, 10:34 PM
So UNIVER.TTF and UNIVCD.TTF were not installed on your machine?
Glad you fixed it. :)