View Full Version : Room tags in basements

Nic M.
2003-10-23, 03:03 PM
Good afternoon,

It isnt possible for me to add a room tag to a basement or foundation.
tried several setting (view range / top of basement - bottom of basement)
no luck, the room tags seem to get its data from the upper level?

Any ID?

2003-10-23, 03:23 PM
Are your walls checked for Room Bounding?

Also check what your referring level is (view properties), if you copied a plan to create this view, then you are technically still based upon your "upper" floor and the tags will attempt to find rooms on that level.

If yes, you need to create distinct levels in a section or elevation view to establish "floor" levels that will need room tags.

Nic M.
2003-10-23, 05:44 PM
thanks Steve,
I think its the level thing. I use "top of basement" with a view plane offset of -300.
I'm gonna test it with a level "bottom of basement" and a positif view plane offset, see if that makes a difference


2003-10-24, 07:08 AM
You can also play around with the area calculation. Under settings, area settings on the second tab is an option to over-ride the area calculation cut level this comes handy when doing things like area's for balcony's say with an upstand of 170mm you can set the area height to lets say 100mm
Which eleminates having to draw all these room seperation lines around the balcony to determine what the area is. hope this helps