View Full Version : Model In Place

2012-04-19, 10:32 AM
Hi all,

I'm relativity new to Revit and as such I have encountered some issues when creating objects using the model in place tool. An example of this was when i created a wall cladding system that consisted of several separate panels. I was able to model the geometry ok, however, when I then assigned the material and finish to each panel I encountered some issues. Everytime I assigned a colour it changed the colour of the previous panel? This is also true if I were to create another object using model in place, if I assigned the same material (i.e. metal panel) then if i changed the colour of this it would effect all of the previous cladding panels I created. Ok i'm sure its because I assigned the same material (metal panel) but surely everytime I create a new object should it not act independant capable of being manipulated without effecting other objects?

Any response would be greatly appreciated, many thanks.

LP Design
2012-04-30, 07:13 PM
Welcome to the forums!

As a new user I would highly suggest you do some youtube searches on "family editor". When you model-in-place, you are creating a family. In CAD terminology that is a "block" and in SU terms that is a "component". Families behave differently than in-model tools like walls. Case in point, material settings. Parameters (including materials) can be either instance or type based. The effect you describe sounds like a type parameter. So every panel you created is assigned to a default "type 1", and the material property applies to all panels of "type 1". The easy fix is to edit-in-place, open the family types dialog, and change the material parameter from type to instance.

Now that the actual question is out of the way, you might want to take a serious look into your workflow. I would have serious reservations about creating a wall system out of in-place models. That sounds like the kind of thing that will plague your project from day 1. Again, do some searches, maybe a few tutorials. You will (probably) find that you can incorporate a metal panel layer into your wall types which should make your life 10x easier. Obviously I don't know the details of your specific project so I can't be 100% sure but I would lay odds that you can get what you need without modeling in place at all.

Hope this helps,