View Full Version : Confused about Sheet Set Manager

2012-05-03, 02:02 PM
Hi Guys

Have been using C3D for about 6 months now, and never really looked properly into the SSM. I have went through the plan & production procedure with our jobs, but just not setup the fields within our title blocks so they update automatically according to what is in the SSM. I think what is confusing me, is do I create a custom .DST file with the correct fields inserted for each of my Tags on my title block attributes? And if so, where do I store this file, so the next time I go to "Create Sheets" in C3D, it lets me fill in this information?


2012-05-03, 02:09 PM
Your best bet

Create a DUMMY sheets set
with one or two sheets in it
Define all of your Fields
Drawn By
Approved BY
Rev Date
Sheet Number
Total Number of sheets
Then use this Dummy set as the Sample set from which all other sets are created.
They you need only edit some of the sheet set custom properties
Like Project Name,
Owner, etc from job to job.

2012-05-03, 02:31 PM
Thanks for your reply. :)

How do I tell C3D that I want to use this Data Sheet File (.DTS) for my drawings?

2012-05-03, 04:21 PM
Thanks for your reply. :)

How do I tell C3D that I want to use this Data Sheet File (.DTS) for my drawings?

No problem Wilson

There are at least TWO (2) methods

One in your options set this 'template' dst file in your Template Settings>>Sheet Sets folder
Or create the sheet set in advance and add your sheets to the set at the time of creation

2012-05-04, 09:56 AM

I must be missing a step. Can you please talk me through how to use it with my plan and profiles? I have made our dwt template with the correct fields inserted into our companies title block. Went to Create View Frames, selected that dwt in those options. I then go to Create Sheets. I go through the options there, then select my profile view origin. Great, my sheets are made. But how do I make those sheets look to the fields i inserted? I dont get the custom properties, when i right click the sheet in SSM. All i get is what i have attached. I am so confused about this.


2012-05-07, 12:32 AM
agree create a template .dst file and keep it wherever company standards are stored then change your options settings so it searches that path by default. when you define custom fields in a sheetset you must type the field name (variable name) EXACTLY as it is written into the custom box of the insert field dialouge of the attributes in the title block. so it is worth writing those custom field names in a .txt file stored in the same place as your .dst so that you can copy-paste them into attributes as needed.

2012-05-07, 06:31 AM
Actually robert if you make the sheet set Custom Properties first you do not need to worry about them as with Sheet Set Place Holders.

2012-05-08, 02:02 AM
cool I'll give it a try next time since 2008 have always had to type them out