View Full Version : Titleblocks and Consultants

2005-01-27, 08:06 PM
Interested in how others are doing this.

My approach has been to save a project specific titleblock, filling in the consultants information and loading in the project.

Has anyone actually set up a new label in their titleblock with a parameter for consultants that can be project specific? If so how.


2005-01-27, 08:24 PM
I can't find the thread right now but this has been discussed. I think leonid raiz explained exactly how to do it.

2005-01-27, 09:48 PM
Natrix, did you find it yet? I haven't, but I'd like to know as well. Please post if you do and I'll do the same.

2005-01-27, 10:48 PM
I think this may be it, or at least it explains the topic thoroughly.


It works, I don't think I will use for the purpose I would like though, seems to work per drawing sheet. If I find the the time a may try again, basically I would like to go to project info and fill it the consultants name address etc along with the project name, location and have it show in each titleblock as the project name does.


2005-01-28, 06:01 PM
Following the procedure in the previously outline thread, I was able to do the following (see attachment). I know that this is a title page but I think that it still might work. What I did was set up a series of consultant space holders where each line is a separate label that can be infilled under settings>project information. I then set up a series of family types with visibility, yes/no, instance parameters. I then selected all the labels associated with say consultant no. 4. When highlighted, select properties. Next to the visible parameter, select the gray box. Now you can associate this with a family type that you can toggle on/off per sheet.

I hope this helps.

2005-01-28, 09:13 PM

Nice setup, but I am missing something.

When I insert your title block into a new project the consultant labels are blank (no sample text shows) and I do not have access to the consultant labels under Settings/Project Information.

I would appreciate it if you would explain how you change the consultant label information from within a project.


2005-01-28, 09:21 PM

Thanks, that is exactly what I was looking to do. It works quite well, do you know if you can load all those parameters into the project as a group, or must you load them one at a time. There are quite a few steps for each label.

It does leave out the sample text, if you click on the titleblock you will get the question marks, I think I read on this forum that the questions marks are a result of it being an external shared parameter, I could be wrong, I am still learning to walk with this program.

Thanks again,


2005-01-28, 09:46 PM
OK I figured it out - you have to create text shared parameters for each label within the titleblock. Then these can be accessed within a project.

2005-01-28, 09:47 PM
The reason they are not showing up is because they are shared parameters. The following attachment might help. This is the shared parameter file I set up to do this. Unfortunately this is a several step process, which I will attempt to outline here.

First you need to make a label, let us say consultant information. Then you need to associate this label with a shared parameter, let us say consultant 1 add line 1 (under the title page grouping of the attached txt file). When you load this into your template or project (template would be a better location), you then go to project parameters. From here you will be given a few options. You want to select ADD. This opens another dlg box. Here you want to select shared parameters and select consultant 1 add line 1 from the list. (make sure you check the instance parameter and place it under the appropriate grouping - be consistent). Before you close the dlg box, you need to select category (use project information). Select OK in the dlg boxes and close. Now go to settings>project information. These items should begin to show up here. Unfortunately, this will have to be done with each shared parameter. I found it best to get the title block family correct, load the family into the template and do them all at once. Once it is done, it is quite rewarding.

I hope this clarifies things. It is quite easy once you do a couple.

2005-01-28, 09:47 PM
I have not found a way to do this all at once. I think you can only do this one at a time.

2005-01-28, 09:59 PM
Thanks, Jason, for your help. It took me quite a while to understand this.
Setting up and continually improving my template file is the key.