View Full Version : 2013 Double click family edit

Ryan Cockerill
2012-05-16, 02:26 PM
I've looked around on the web alot, and it would appear there is no way to disable the double click on an object to edit its family option in 2013. If anyone has any info on how to please let me know.

2012-05-16, 04:05 PM

This has been discussed at length already. Currently, it is not able to be turned off (Thanks AD). I guess the best thing to do is to send help tickets into AD, and if enough people complain, they might fix it in several years. Your company will have to train people to exit the family editor without saving, or lock the content libraries as several others have suggested.


Jeff S.

2012-05-22, 06:39 PM
Or just train people to work more carefully and deliberately.

I just started my first 2013 project (brand new, not upgraded). I started yesterday, and just now ran into the unwanted double-click to edit the family, when entering room numbers and names into room tags. Click on the tag, then click on the field, but if you don't do it just right it thinks you're trying to open the family, which is obviously not the case. But after it happened a couple of times, I was more careful between tag clicking and field clicking.

I will also be submitting a SR on the issue.

Alfredo Medina
2012-05-22, 08:04 PM
It is amazing to see that a new feature that nobody requested (and which cannot be turned off) is included in a new release, but at the same time, the most requested features are ignored. Is there a record in any forum of a wishlist item requesting a double click to edit a family? I don't remember seeing it. The top wishlist items in forums before this release went out, were mostly focused on text tools, site tools, and schedules, if I recall correctly.

2012-05-22, 08:48 PM
I'm surprised the issue was never flagged during beta testing. It's such an obvious flaw.

2012-05-22, 09:22 PM
I'm surprised the issue was never flagged during beta testing. It's such an obvious flaw.

It was, there was much discussion about it in the beta testing forums as I recall. But as you can see, it's still there.

*edit* well I thought there was, seems I can't find any discussion about it.

There was discussion about double-clicking your center button wheel to zoom to fit. Didja know about that?? :p

Alfredo Medina
2012-05-22, 10:50 PM
I think, if they had just put a toggle in the Options bar somewhere, it would not be as bad. This feature is going to cause a lot of issues in office standards and productivity, in exchange for the very dubious 'benefit' of not having to use "Edit Family". What was wrong with that?

2012-05-23, 08:49 PM
It was, there was much discussion about it in the beta testing forums as I recall. But as you can see, it's still there.

*edit* well I thought there was, seems I can't find any discussion about it.

There was discussion about double-clicking your center button wheel to zoom to fit. Didja know about that?? :p

I did know about that......but haven't re-wired my brain enough to use it regularly yet!! :)

2012-05-24, 03:24 PM
It is amazing to see that a new feature that nobody requested (and which cannot be turned off) is included in a new release, but at the same time, the most requested features are ignored. Is there a record in any forum of a wishlist item requesting a double click to edit a family? I don't remember seeing it. The top wishlist items in forums before this release went out, were mostly focused on text tools, site tools, and schedules, if I recall correctly.

Nobody requested it? Thanks for calling me a nobody ;) I think I'll change my forum name to "Nobody".

I specifically remember requesting more double click actions in a alpha/beta phase or two(not only 'edit family' but others too, or at least some way to configure what you want double clicks to do since at the time they currently did nothing). Too bad I don't get to use it now since my company dropped it's subscription. :cry: I've been looking around for quite some time now...:wink::wink:

I don't discount the priority though of some other improvements.

2012-05-24, 03:40 PM

Sorry that you don't get to use this GREAT new feature. I would agree that Double-Clicking an object should do something, but not opening a family. I like your idea for the end user to configure what Double-Clicking actually does. Couldn't it be like the ribbon, and do different things for different objects?

Is the second to last sentence a call for help?

Jeff S.

2012-05-24, 04:45 PM
Nobody requested it? Thanks for calling me a nobody ;) I think I'll change my forum name to "Nobody".

I specifically remember requesting more double click actions in a alpha/beta phase or two(not only 'edit family' but others too, or at least some way to configure what you want double clicks to do since at the time they currently did nothing). Too bad I don't get to use it now since my company dropped it's subscription. :cry: I've been looking around for quite some time now...:wink::wink:

I don't discount the priority though of some other improvements.

I agree that double-click should be more useful, but I don't want everyone on the project to open and edit families. Double-click might be more useful to open the Type Properties dialog instead, and maybe provide an edit family button in the dialog?

2012-05-24, 07:41 PM
I agree that double-click should be more useful, but I don't want everyone on the project to open and edit families. Double-click might be more useful to open the Type Properties dialog instead, and maybe provide an edit family button in the dialog? I don't remember the details of my exact request but opening type properties may have been included as an option. or some sort of right click menu action... Maybe a double click or mouse pause brings up an onscreen mini menu that represents what is shown in the green modify tab and some other common tools like move, rotate, etc. "think Word 2010 like'

The REAL drive behind the suggestion is to keep the focus of the user at that area that needs focusing, not the stupid ribbon bar or menu system at the top of the screen and out of the area of focus... and then in turn increasing productivity... for those that choose to increase their productivity (Some old dogs refuse to be taught new tricks.)

Sorry that you don't get to use this GREAT new feature. I would agree that Double-Clicking an object should do something, but not opening a family. I like your idea for the end user to configure what Double-Clicking actually does. Couldn't it be like the ribbon, and do different things for different objects?I didn't understand what all the fuss was about but after reading more posts on this Great feature... I guess I took for granted people who were really concerned about users changing their library already implemented this suggestion...
http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?138422-Revit-2013-here-s-whats-new&p=1172883&viewfull=1#post1172883... as I did from day 1 since going live with Revit. But I don't disagree that it may have been more productive to point it toward some other command since probably most users are not family content creators/editors. Maybe there should be a CAD/BIM Manager "mode" that does certain things and an end user mode that does less scary things. I don't particularly care for that idea though... cause I'd hate to have to be working on a project as a designer/drafter and then have to switch modes to be more productive in a manager way of working... but as they say... there's more than one way to skin a cat.

Personally I think the slower than and turtle's butt ribbon interface is probably causing most of the problems of inadvertent double clicks. Not that we can test that theory anymore.

Is the second to last sentence a call for help?
Not a lot of places around here using / requesting Revit but in a way yeah. I don't like what I'm seeing around here (haven't for a while) differences in ethics, too much family involved, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah. The cons have outgrown the pros and I'm working on a website to help sell myself. Personal family time gets in the way of that progress though...not that I mind that.

2012-05-24, 08:32 PM
From that thread you posted a link to, a majority do not like that new feature. As most of them do have content libraries in lock-down, it's still opening up a can of worms, were someone is going to be editing a family without knowing what they're doing.

Not a lot of our clients ask us to use BIM, but we're still using it for the 'Benefits' it affords us for coordination & the like. To bad your company doesn't feel the same.

Remember the grass isn't always greener on the other side. You may not be happy with where you're at currently, but going somewhere else doesn't guarantee increased satisfaction.

Sorry for being the wet blanket,
Jeff S.

2012-05-24, 08:56 PM
I'm more concerned about workflow disruption than anything else. It's an annoyance to me, and I'm the one managing our content libraries. If I'm "in the groove" with my "Revit'ing" I don't want to be suddenly interrupted by the family editor when I was fast-clicking and just wanted to type in some data in a title block or tag field. Or when you're trying to click off of something to deselect it (click out in space) but you're really not because some family has ref planes that make it get highlighted even when your mouse isn't actually touching the family geometry. Had that happen yesterday with some doors.

2012-05-24, 11:14 PM
I'm more concerned about workflow disruption than anything else. It's an annoyance to me, and I'm the one managing our content libraries. If I'm "in the groove" with my "Revit'ing" I don't want to be suddenly interrupted by the family editor when I was fast-clicking and just wanted to type in some data in a title block or tag field. Or when you're trying to click off of something to deselect it (click out in space) but you're really not because some family has ref planes that make it get highlighted even when your mouse isn't actually touching the family geometry. Had that happen yesterday with some doors.

Yup. This is my problem with it too. Click - Pause - Click. It slows down your workflow, not to mention if you double-click too fast you wait for the family to open then have close it again.

2012-05-25, 01:47 AM
... it's still opening up a can of worms... Cans of worms were meant to be opened otherwise they wouldn't be in a can, silly.:lol: I think Revit itself served as a can opener.

Remember the grass isn't always greener on the other side. After 11+ years and no love back for the last 5 and being at a standard of living less than what I was at 7 years ago....I think its worth the risk. No health insurance really just makes it unbearable and trying to pay for your own is starting to get ridiculous with love year after year. Don't get me wrong. I'm glad to have a job that pays half decent, but I've been reduced from cutting edge technology and software R&D to a drafter of wall panels, more or less, with company direction of more of the same. Needless to say I'm bored out of my mind.