View Full Version : Demo-ing Light Fixtures Creates Duplicate Ceilings

2012-05-16, 03:07 PM
Has anyone else run into this issue? It appears that each time I demo a ceiling-based light fixture, Revit duplicates the ceiling. If I click on one of the duplicated ceilings, I can't edit the boundary or the height. If I delete a duplicate ceiling, I also delete the demo'ed fixture that it apparently hosts.

It's not a major problem, but it is a little odd. The inconvenience is that in order to select the actual, original, editable ceiling, I usually need to tab through five of these duplicate ceilings first. Any insights/explanations would be appreciated!


2012-05-16, 04:08 PM
What is the construction of the new/duplicate ceiling? Is it the same as the original? Does this effect your material take-off schedules? Can you re-host the demo'ed light fixture back to the original ceiling? I'll do some testing to see if I can replicate this issue.

Jeff S.

2012-05-16, 07:00 PM
What is the construction of the new/duplicate ceiling?

Generic -- same as the original

Does this effect your material take-off schedules?

I don't know.

Can you re-host the demo'ed light fixture back to the original ceiling?

It's hard to tell, since the 'duplicate' ceilings lie directly on top of each other. When I re-host, I can't tab through to select a specific ceiling.

Interestingly: When I edit the boundary of the original ceiling, the duplicate boundaries get edited as well.

Thanks for responding.

2012-05-16, 08:42 PM
Okay Stacy,

I was experiencing the same thing as you, but I realized that it's not really creating a 'New' Ceiling.
For ceilings and fixtures placed during the same Phase Revit subtracts the area of the fixtures from the ceiling and gives only one number.
For fixtures demolished during a later phase Revit adds a new line item for the fixtures area back to the ceiling. This makes sense to me, because you're adding material back into the ceiling to fill in the hole left over by the demolished fixture.
Where it gets strange is when you add a new fixture to a ceiling in a later phase. Revit adds a new line item (Ceiling) to a ceiling schedule, for the area of the fixture. This is the area that is demolished to get the fixture into the ceiling, but Revit shows it as a positive number not a negative. Revit also subtracts that area from the original ceiling component. I guess if you really think about what its doing it doing things correctly, but it still looks very weird in the schedule.

What really worries me, is that when you assign a phase to your schedule, lets say existing, Revit maintains those line items for elements created in a future phases. This is the bug in my opinion...
Will someone check my work?
Create a ceiling 10'x10'=100sq in phase existing
Add some lights 2'x2' on the same phase
Add more lights 2'x2' on a new phase and check your ceiling schedule
Change the phase for the schedule between new & existing. See if the line items change the way you would expect it to.

I hope this helps,
Jeff S.

2012-06-07, 04:41 PM
I hurt my brain reading this, but thank you. :)
However, I'm going to have to read it a few more times before I understand....

2012-06-07, 05:59 PM
Hi Stacy,

I thought you had dropped off the face of AUGI. Anyways, we had our reseller in the office a few weeks back, and I brought this to light. I haven't heard anything from them yet, so who knows if its going to go anywhere.

Let me know if you have further questions,
Jeff S.

2012-06-11, 01:47 PM
Hi Stacy,

I thought you had dropped off the face of AUGI.

Heh. I guess I did for a while.

Anyways, we had our reseller in the office a few weeks back, and I brought this to light. I haven't heard anything from them yet, so who knows if its going to go anywhere.

Oh, that's great! I'm definitely interested to know what they say. I notice that a similar thing seems to happen when I copy a ceiling-based light fixture. It's so odd....

Thanks again!

2013-05-04, 09:00 PM
Has anyone found an explanation and/or workaround for this? I'm having the same issue.

2013-07-10, 08:04 PM
I have been looking into this issue for a colleague. It appears that when you create a ceiling, insert several recessed downlights and use the demo tool on those downlights, Revit creates several ceilings associated with those lights. There isn't a way to control the ceilings in the 3d / rcp views that applies only to those auto -generated ceilings other than hide in view> by element.

These ceiling don't have the controls you normally find in the properties tab of the initial ceiling. There is no way to adjust the phase Created or Phase Demolished. If you try to change the Ceiling Type you get the error 'Could not change type due to highlighted infilling element. 'Basic Ceiling' infills are only compatible with 'Basic Ceiling' hosts.' so therefore Revit considers this an 'infilling element'...

Without hiding these excess ceilings, our graphics are affected. I haven't looked into what happens with scheduling in relation to this yet. Interestingly Revit also cuts the holes you would expect in the original ceiling, as well as creating the extra ceiling with a single hole cut out for each associated light. Very odd behavior. I am not yet sure why the secondary ceiling is generated.

I am looking into phase controls, adding a new phase, tweaking filters, etc. We'll see if anything comes of this in the next few days.