View Full Version : 2012 Missing Room Names in Door Schedule

2012-05-17, 05:05 PM
I created a door schedule for my project a few months ago. I have recently picked the project back up and some of the room names are not populated in my door schedule any longer. This seems to be a random occurance. Can someone please tell me what makes the door associate to the room? Then maybe this is what will fix the broken link? Thank you in advance.

2012-05-17, 09:19 PM
There is a Room To and a Room From properties of a door. My guess is that either a room was deleted, a room bounding object (room separation line, wall, curtain wall) was placed in front of the door, the link is no longer set to room bounding, or it's on the exterior of the building & it's looking to the outside of the building, instead of the room.

I hope this helps,
Jeff S.