View Full Version : More 7.0 Level problems - factory please help.

2005-01-28, 02:26 PM
Ok, levels are driving me totaly insane in 7.0

I'm looking at my north elevations, and I drag the levels where I want them,
Then I look at my south elevation and it moved those out of place, If I try to fixe the ones on the south, it screws up the ones on the north.

Now on some levels they have a "big circle" and some have a small dot on the ends. I can no longer figure out how to switch between 2d/3d levels nor can I find the check box to turn on/off the level tag on the ends of the lines, so if the level tag info is on the right side of the view and I want it on the left, I can't get it there. If I drag it, then it changes my other elevations.

Has anyone figured these out yet??

Not to mention, the ends don't allways snap together anymore, some do, some dont. This is really a MAJOR problem.

2005-01-28, 05:43 PM
I too have encountered this problem. My findings are as follows:

The difference between the dots relates to the 3d extents of the level (3d big dot and 2d small dot). If the datums do not align, this, in my experience, means that they are set to different extents.

If the 3d extents are on and the level position is changed, the parallel views are also changed (ie. North/South, East/West). Because the parallel views are mirrored from one another, when you move say the north first floor level, the south corresponding level will also move and may then cover some parts of the elevation. When this happens, select the level that is interfering with the elevation and toggle the 3d/2d so that the 2d is on (small dot). This will allow you to adjust the level tag in this view only.

With respect to the end check boxes, you may need to reset the 3d extents of that level...select level>right click>>reset 3d extents. At this point you may need to follow the description above by changing the 3d extents to 2d and modify accordingly.

I hope this helps and is clear enough to follow. Good Luck

Scott Hopkins
2005-01-28, 07:11 PM
One thing to mindful of is that the toggle on/off switch for the level line cross-hairs symbol is view specific. Revit's default template views for elevations and sections always have the level line symbols shown on the right hand side of the level line. To make this possible the level symbols have to be turned on at one side of the level line in one view and turned on/off in the reverse order in the parallel view. When moving the level line cross-hairs symbol in the East elevation you will be moving the end of the level line without the symbol in the West elevation. Is that clear as mud?

The best way to learn how to use this feature is to play around with some grid lines in plan view. Set up a first and second story view side by side and practice changing the 2D/3D grid lines and see what happens. After you master that try some side by side elevation views.

2005-01-31, 01:43 AM
Steve, I don't know if this works for all view/level annotations, but I have found that double clicking the "Section" annotation's control point (when repositioning) as the green control line becomes visible, locks the "focus" line in place. It is a very neat attribute. I have not experimented much with the Level Lines but I recollect that it works the same way!! This may be of assistance. by clicking and double clicking on the combinations of annotations that you wish to join, groups them together.

I also found that I only set up my Level and Section annotations once I have established some form of limit on the project area. Once that has been defined, double clicking the annotations in place and pinning them keeps it all together - well so far anyway!!

2005-01-31, 03:49 AM
I agree. I just spent the better part of an hour trying to figure out why my level lines keep changing or not changing as the case may be. I liked it better in 6.1. Simpler. Now if you do this than that happens but then something else happens that yopu don't even know why and how it happened. Seems veryt confusing. Welcome to Autodesk. RIP Revit.

2005-01-31, 01:47 PM
Well if they can make the new change work the way it is designed too and explain how to use it, I will like the improvements. While 6.1 worked well, you had to manually adjust your grids and levels per view, so if the added functionality of being able to "propagate" the location of the grids and levels to parallel views actually works then it will be a welcome enhancement. Currently however the propagate function doesn't propagate it rearranges levels into strange locations over the other drawings.

The workaround posted on a previous thread, did fix my situation of levels not appearing. The fix was to create a scopebox then select all the levels and assign them to the scope box.

Scott D Davis
2005-01-31, 07:04 PM
Welcome to Autodesk. RIP Revit.
To me, statements like this are totally out of line. The development team at Revit (We often foldly refer to them as The Factory) is almost entirely the same group of people that have been creating and developing Revit from the beginning, before Autodesk was ever involved. Even after the aquisition, the Team has stayed intact, and for the most part has remained a separate entity, allowed to continue developing Revit on their own. They reside in the original office in Waltham, separate from the other Autodesk products.

In my opinion, they continue to push the envelope in developing the premier Architectural (and soon other discipline!) solution. The somehow continue to produce a full new major release a year (6.0 to 7.0) and often develop minor (point releases and builds) in between. This model of production has become a standard at Autodesk, and is going to make the competition struggle to keep up.

Statements like this are in my opinion, very negative, considering you are targeted perhaps one of the hardest working teams of software developers that you will ever meet.