View Full Version : Annoying Dimension Problem ???

2012-05-30, 09:38 AM
Can anyone tell me why when I try to dimension a grid in my section view it shows me the little circle with the cross through in grey ?

I’m guessing it has something to do with my section marker perpendicular with my grids, but im sure that it is. I’ve tried everything from using ref planes to re-drawing my section marker but still I cannot dimension my grids ???

Thank you

2012-05-30, 02:13 PM
If you aren't perpendicular you won't be able to dimension them, sounds like you have something out of wack.

2012-05-30, 02:17 PM
how are you sure that your section is perpendicular to your grids? we had the same issue when trying to cut a section through a pedestrian bridge that ran at an usual angle relative to the rest of the building, and it turned out it was .0000000001 degree off (or something ridiculous). Are you sure that your section isn't just perpendicular to the walls and not necessarily to the grids themselves? try changing the accuracy of your dimension type (or better yet, create a new type for this use), and check the grids and walls in plan to make sure everything checks out.

- Alex

2012-05-30, 09:39 PM
I thought if the view wasn't exactly perpendicular to the grid then the grid wouldn't show up in the section view?

2012-05-30, 09:52 PM
Out of left field, here's a super-dumb question: are you trying to use a linear or aligned dimension? I've always just typed DI to get the dimension until a coworker was having trouble. He was trying to use the linear dimension. I had to look up it's proper use because I've never had a use for it.

2012-05-31, 07:28 AM
yes i think it was because i wasnt completly perpendicular. it must of been out by 0.0001, its abit of a joke really because the grids shouldnt show up if there not completley perpendicular with the section marker.

thanks for your help though

2012-05-31, 10:03 PM
I am doing a massing model and having the same problem with that d**n little circle too. I have been tracing a topo survey where existing buildings are indicated as footprints. Trouble is, they are not very accurate regarding 90 degree angles. The resulting masses all have miniscule projections, when they should be ortho. It's an existing campus with dozens of existing multistory buildings, all scattered around the site following the contours.

I have stopped literal tracing and have begun forcing right angles on all the footprints and the dimension problem has mostly cleared up.

2012-06-01, 06:43 PM
It is good practice to NEVER trace a cad file. almost every cad file I've ever received and changed the rounding on the units will reveal angles that are off by small bits.