View Full Version : 2012 Editing parameters for all family types simultaneously

2012-05-30, 02:02 PM
Hi All,

I'm trying to find if there is a way to edit a parameter value for all types in a family at once. Our firm is going through the arduous task of assigning keynote values to our entire Revit library. I'm currently having to copy/paste the corresponding keynote value for each type in every family. Is there some way to do a "populate all" or something similar? It's very time consuming copying the keynote value in a family with a dozen or more types when they all have the same keynote.

Any help is appreciated.


2012-05-30, 04:46 PM
Create a type catalog to drive your family types when loading them into your project.

Jeff S.

2012-05-30, 05:07 PM
You could also start a project, insert all the families into that project, and create schedules to deal with the parameters you want. When you are done editing the family types, then select each, Edit Type, Save and it will overwrite the previous version. A little clunky, but could work if you didn't want to go the type catalog route for whatever reason.

2012-05-30, 05:59 PM
Also, under the Apps store there is a family processor from CTC Technologies. I haven't had a chance to mess with it, but you should be able to modify multiple families with it very quickly.

Jeff S.

2012-05-30, 06:14 PM
If they all have the same keynote (in the family), create a shared parameter with a "text" function, write the keynote in the formula column, and hit apply. It'll populate on all of the types in the family.

2012-05-30, 08:09 PM
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. The method of the shared parameter with text function seems the best solution for this case. I was worried about families like structural steel needing this done hundreds of times, but trying them it's a non issue with the Type Catalogs they use. Most smaller families it will be just as quick to copy the value a few times than write a new paramter or TC.

Thank you all!

LP Design
2012-06-01, 08:56 PM
There is actually a really easy solution that does not require any shared parameters. Just open the family types dialog, apply the new value in the formula column for that parameter & hit apply, then close the family types dialog. Open it again, delete the value in the formula column, and apply again. That value is automatically populated across all types.


2012-06-01, 09:03 PM
There is actually a really easy solution that does not require any shared parameters. Just open the family types dialog, apply the new value in the formula column for that parameter & hit apply, then close the family types dialog. Open it again, delete the value in the formula column, and apply again. That value is automatically populated across all types.


Sure, that'll work if they want to use the Keynote parameter that is hard coded in. If they have their own Keynote schedule needs they'll need their own shared parameter.

EDIT:: Put the keynote value in quotes in the formula field, otherwise you'll get an 'inconsistent units' error. EX ="15110"

LP Design
2012-06-04, 01:28 PM
I suppose that is true, but I'm not sure why you would need to abandon the built in "Keynote" parameter in favor of a custom shared parameter. What would be the point? In this particular case the OP is talking about families that already exist in a library, not a specific project. I don't see any advantage to creating a new shared parameter, then loading it into each of the families in question, then changing the values. That shared parameter would need to be added into each project used in future in order to have any value. Just use the default keynote parameter and change it as necessary.

Incidentally, you are right about putting the number in quotes, thanks for mentioning that.

I also looked into the schedule method that Damon mentioned earlier and it would also work, but it depends on just how extensive the list of families is. Normally you would only bring in a few types into each project (thats the whole point of the type catalog...) but to do what you are after here would require you to bring in EVERY type, then edit via schedule, then save out. It would be pretty daunting to do that with a whole list of structural steel families, each with dozens of types in each family. If you use the method I suggest, you can just open each family, change the parameter once and you're done.


2012-06-05, 12:59 PM
I suppose that is true, but I'm not sure why you would need to abandon the built in "Keynote" parameter in favor of a custom shared parameter. What would be the point? In this particular case the OP is talking about families that already exist in a library, not a specific project. I don't see any advantage to creating a new shared parameter, then loading it into each of the families in question, then changing the values. That shared parameter would need to be added into each project used in future in order to have any value. Just use the default keynote parameter and change it as necessary.

As neither you nor myself know what kind of circumstances they are in, what they require, what they want to do, how they want to show it...I'm giving options. Options are always good, but it doesn't mean they have to follow through. Maybe they want a term that is different from "Keynote". Maybe they want to show both '95 and '12 keynotes. I don't know. I'm giving him options. Just like you did.