View Full Version : Door Schedules - Linked Models

2012-06-01, 12:21 AM
I think I know the answer to this but why not ask.

I have a host revit file with two instances of a linked rvt model therein of levels 5 and up where the tower is a miroor of itself - all three models each share commonly named levels.

Now in the host file, I have created a door schedule for the doors within the host file and the linked tower. My issue is that I do not seem to be able to apply a filter "by level" to the doors within the linked file. Should I be able to?

My suspicision is that although my levels are exactly the same, somehow my survey point in the y direction is off bit a tiny smidge and thus Revit does not "read' the shared levels. - do you think this could be true?

All help would be appreciated. On a side note, I also truly wish you could toggle on and off design options in a linked model so I could create two design options for the two varied base tower conditions. brilliant ideas welcome.

2012-06-01, 08:29 AM
You cannot filer by level while in host file. This has nothing to do with shared levels or y direction.
Yes, you can toggle design option of linked files in host file. Did you try VG and select Revit link and look into Custom property?