View Full Version : Copy Project Families

2012-06-02, 02:33 PM
I have a project that I need to add some information to each of the families so I can schedule that information. I do not want to mess with our families.

I thought there was a way to copy all of the project families in previous releases. (using 2013) How can I do this?

Dimitri Harvalias
2012-06-02, 04:09 PM
It's unclear to me what you're after here.
You can 'transfer project standards' from one project to another but that will only copy system families over (e.g. Walls, floors, materials, view templates etc). If you want to copy component (loadable) families you'll need to do that using the load family command or by copying and pasting.
If all you need to do is add parameter information for scheduling purposes then you can create new project parameters and add then to object categories as required and they will schedule. This won't affect the saved definition of the family but if you copy and paste the family into a new project the new shared parameters will go with it.
Hope that makes sense.

2012-06-04, 01:40 PM

You can add parameters to family categories in a project, but there is no way to save back to another version of Revit. When adding a Project Parameter, you can select the family categories on the right side of the dialog box. On the bottom left there is a check box for applying the parameter at all families of that category.

Is this just for one project, or are you trying to build a better library? I ask this because I don't think the parameters applied to a family from a project are available in the family editor mode.

Jeff S.