View Full Version : 2013 Rooms seperation Line in Groups

2012-06-13, 04:14 PM
So I would like to account for cubicle space in a call center. I have created a group for the cube assembly, I was wondering is there anyway I can place room separation lines in the cube group so that I have an accurate square footage for cubes and they would also show up in my room schedule. Right now I am getting messages from revit along the lines of "Room Tag is outside of its Room. Enable Leader or move Room Tag within its Room.: and message 2 "Highlighted room separation lines overlap. One of them may be ignored when Revit finds room boundaries. Delete one of the lines. You can tab-select one of the overlapping elements to exclude it from the group instance." I know the overlap is from the cubes being adjacent to each other, thus causing room separation lines to overlap. Any help comments or prior experience would be appreciated.


cliff collins
2012-06-13, 05:55 PM
Perhaps you could use a 3D Furniture System Family for the cubicles, and use Room Separation Lines beneath the cubicle "walls" to define the areas? Do you need a Schedule showing each instance / individual cubicle?
Or could you use an Area Plan to define the overall area where the cubicles are?

I don't think having room separation lines in the Group is a good plan, as you have already noted.

Another way might be to use thin (1" thick ) walls for the cubes, make them room-bounding, place rooms, and create a room schedule.

2012-06-13, 06:13 PM
I am using the 3d furniture system for the cubicles with the room seperation lines within that group. What is the advantage to using an area plan opposed to rooms?

2012-06-14, 12:41 PM
Could you handle it using just a family and schedule the family instead of using a room schedule? If you are already using a furniture, just edit the family to have an overall length and width parameter, then add a shared parameter for area with a length x width formula. Then you can schedule just the cubicles. Yes it's separate from the room schedule, but honestly, cubicles aren't really rooms. :)