View Full Version : townhouse groups

2012-06-28, 11:03 PM
I've read all the threads, and, yes groups are completely frustrating, full of bugs, and I shouldn't be using them, but yet I still find myself reyling on them.

I'm modelling townhouses, and I have each unit as its own group. (within this group are the 3 floors each grouped into their own group....as each can be swaped out for different options)

Now I thought the guy who set up the file set the groups took extra special care to make sure any of the perimeter walls do not allow wall joining. I've double checked them, and they are all seem ok in this respect.

The trouble is when lining them up side by side into blocks it causes me trouble when I try to change/swap/move/copy them. If I want to change one of the units to another model group type, it tells me I have to fix the groups.....it seems to me that they are still somehow connecting to their neighbours. To change one, I have to move it 50' away from the block, change it and slide it back into place. The trouble seems to usually be in the basement level, so I'm wondering is the wall footing are joining their neighbours. They do have the handle, but no option to disallow join.

I've also had trouble with changing the model group type. when I do, the group rotates to some seemingly random orientation.
Groups I've copied in from another file (which were built 10 degrees off the normal axis ) only can move in one direction along on that 10 degree axis.

I'm just trying to make this work as I've taken over the model, and I can think of a dozen ways to do it better...but at this point time doesn't allow to completely rebuild 17 townhouse blocks. and the insane amount of unit options.

'm ready to launch my pc across the room.