View Full Version : 2012 AutoCAD 2012 - Grip stretching polylines

2012-06-29, 01:04 PM
I believe I have now gone mad. Has anyone run into problems in AutoCAD 2012 with grip stretching polylines, with dynamic input turned off? Seems that the problem is that the way the system accepts the input, toggles between absolute and relative......and here's the odd thing. I have found a few items that seem to make this toggle kick in. Depending on whether or not the OSNAPS are On or Off, whether Polar is On or Off, and the oddest out of all of them.....depending on whether or not the command line palette is docked or not.

For example; draw a polyline 12" long, then select it, select an endpoint grip and stretch the line 6" longer. Sometimes this will make the new line length 18" and other times it will make the overall line length the 6" that was entered. To get the system to toggle the way it reads the input, either turn the OSNAPS On or Off or Dock or Undock the Command Line palette, depending on how they are set up currently. Then try the example again. Am I mad?...or is this a true problem.

Thanks for all your input.

2012-06-29, 04:56 PM
As far as I know the problem appears when Dynamic Input (F12) is ON.

2012-06-29, 10:57 PM
I believe I have now gone mad.
....Depending on whether or not the OSNAPS are On or Off, whether Polar is On or Off,

There is a known issue in 2012 with grip editing behaving differently depending on whether Perpendicular/Tangent OSnaps are running. SP2 for 2012 make a vague reference to Grip editing and OSnaps, but I haven't installed SP2 and the reference alone is not enough to say whether it's the same issue or not.