View Full Version : 2013 Selection Focus Lost When Clicking Project Browser

2012-07-09, 02:33 PM
I am uncertain if this is a change from 2012 to 2013 or if I have inadvertently changed a setting somehow.

Often times, I will select an object in one view and then change to another view to find that same object still highlighted which is a very useful feature for me. Sometimes things are much easier to locate and select in one view so that moving to a different view I can rapidly locate the same item/area.

However, now, as soon as I click anywhere in the Project Browser the selection focus is lost even before I change views.

I understand that I can tile views to workaround this issue but I'd much rather my selection maintain focus when navigating the Project Browser.

Any Ideas?

2012-07-09, 05:58 PM
I should note firing up 2012 that I am able to select items and open as many views as I like and find the same item selected in each view.

2012-07-09, 08:54 PM
ahhh what, this was a feature that was either fixed or added in 2012 and was glad to see! Versions prior to 2012 behaved how you describe 2013 to be, and I was happy to see that a selection stayed selected when changing views.

2012-07-10, 12:00 PM
patricks: So, you're saying that keeping selection focus was a feature added to 2012 and then removed for 2013?

Is anyone currently using 2013 who can confirm that this feature has been removed?

LP Design
2012-07-10, 01:57 PM
I just checked on my machine and it is confirmed. You can switch between any number of open views and the selection will remain. You can also click thru the project browser and temporarily select views, but as soon as you open one of those views the selection is lost. 2012 maintains the selection. I have never really viewed this as a shortcoming since I tend to have multiple views open anyway, but I wonder why it would change?