View Full Version : Simple Formula Question

2012-07-19, 03:38 PM
You would need a few parameters to do this well. Below is a quick example that should work without to many problems. Downside is you're not going to have the grips to drag the sink around, unless you add another Reference Plane or Reference Line. You could potentially make this formula very complicated to not allow someone to take the sink beyond 12" from either end, but would it really be worth your time to do so. I have my counter tops with nested sinks setup very much how you described above. It works just fine. If someone breaks that instance, Revit tells them, and the user cancels or undoes their last command.

In my example, both of these parameters will be instance. The Actual Dimension will be the label of the dimension from the Right reference plane to the sink (center line? edge?).
Requested Offset Dimension (ROD)= #'-#"
Actual Dimension = if(ROD<1', 1', ROD)

Upload isn't working for this reply, so I'll try to get an example up soon.

Jeff S.

2012-07-19, 03:44 PM
Thanks Jeff...I kind of agree with you. It's not that big of a deal to break it and then undo. I'm going to leave it as is. I'm just so curious about formulas and how to use them on a regular basis. I see lots of posts about terms you can use but it's hard to know how to apply them unless there are real world examples given.

2012-07-19, 09:35 PM
I have been noticing strange behavior too. I happens when you preview a post. The text gets jumbled. After a line return, the next line repeats the last few words from the previous line, making it appear twice and interrupting the flow of words.

Edit note: after posting this it appeared in the middle of the posts - not first, not last. Something is wrong in AUGIland!!

2012-07-19, 10:57 PM
I made a countertop with a sink nested in. My sink location is an instance parameter measured from the right that can be dragged around in plan. I want to set up a formula that restricts people from being able to drag the sink too far to the right and breaking the family. I could constrain a particular dimension at the ends but I'm curious about how I would do this with a formula. So I'm trying to do something like Sink Location from the right can't be any less that 12" but I don't know how to phrase it.

2012-07-19, 11:44 PM
Is there a particular workflow or design standard driving the reason to nest the sink into the casework family, as opposed to placing the counter and sink separately in the project, and cutting the sink out of the counter to create the hole?

2012-07-20, 12:08 AM
Is there a particular workflow or design standard driving the reason to nest the sink into the casework family, as opposed to placing the counter and sink separately in the project, and cutting the sink out of the counter to create the hole?


I believe there is a workflow benefit to having the sinks nested. If you're company has a relatively standard selection for counter tops with sinks, than that can be placed in a counter top once in the family instead of on every project. The flexibility of nesting the sink and labeling it with a Family Type parameter just adds that much more to the family.

Sorry I still can't post the example for you, upload is saying my tokens have expired. I don't know what that means. Are you all seeing that the time stamps for the posts are messed up, or is that just on my end?

Jeff S.

2012-07-20, 12:29 AM
Yeah, I posted in the General forum asking about the weirdness but haven't gotten a reply yet.

Alfredo Medina
2012-07-20, 02:53 AM
Something is wrong today about the sequence of the posts. The post labeled as # 1 in this thread looks as a reply to another post, not as the starter post of a thread.