View Full Version : Revit Server 2012 and 2013

2012-08-06, 07:10 PM
We are currently setting up Revit server on new server hardware as recommended by Autodesk. We have a consultant doing the installation. We currently have all but one of our projects on 2012, but our joint venture partners and MEP engineers want us to move up to 2013. This will require us to invest in new machines for our users. (Win 7, 64 bits, you all know the specs). I asked about 2013 on XP a few weeks back and everyone agreed it won't work very well.

The network consultant tells us that Autodesk did a lot of work on the Revit server in release 2013 and it is a much better product. But we consult on projects all over the US and expect to have projects that are not always on the latest version. I anticipate we will need 2012 and 2013 simultaneously. We also have a 2011 project, but that can't use the server at all. And, 2014 isn't far away......

Can the Revit Server 2012 and 2013 coexist on the same server, with project X using 2012 and project Y using 2013? We would never mix files. That is a well established principle with Revit.

Does anyone have it set up this way? How is it working?

cliff collins
2012-08-06, 07:50 PM
Yes--they can run side-by side. It is 2 completely different installs. We are doing this next week, to test out RS 2013 before bringing it into production.

Make sure to read THIS: http://wikihelp.autodesk.com/Revit/enu/2013/Help/00005-More_Inf0/0138-Installa138/0175-Revit_Se175/0178-Installi178

2012-08-07, 02:37 PM
We have one Revit Server 2012 and 2013 running on the same central server with Clarity installed with no issues. Our other Revit Server 2012 and 2013 deployments are on separate VM's. We do not notice any performance issues or benefits in either case.

2012-08-07, 05:00 PM
Make sure to read THIS: http://wikihelp.autodesk.com/Revit/enu/2013/Help/00005-More_Inf0/0138-Installa138/0175-Revit_Se175/0178-Installi178

Thanks. We're starting to configure it now. My first startup with R2013 crashed. I have to run upgrade 1!

2012-08-07, 08:35 PM
What does something like this cost? License for Revit Server + VM Ware + Xeon 2-Quad core Server + Windows Server 2008 R2?

cliff collins
2012-08-07, 08:54 PM
RS software is "free"--i.e. it comes with Revit; VM ware--not sure about $, guess about $300-500; Xeon Quad Core server plan on about $1.5-2K, windows server 64 R2 about $800?

I would budget about $3000-3500. (assuming you have Revit already) Lots of variables here, so plan conservatively.

2012-08-08, 02:18 PM
What does something like this cost? License for Revit Server + VM Ware + Xeon 2-Quad core Server + Windows Server 2008 R2?

You would only run Vmware if the server is also serving other functions, so therefore the total cost of the server hardware should not/would not be allocated to your Revit Server cost. On the other hand if you're going to just "buy" a box for Revit Server to run on, you don't Vmare. In that case the specs for that box are quite honestly all over the place. You'll note that Autodesk's guidance for hardware is either 100 users or less or 100 users or more. In my opinion both sets of specs are for the median. That is if you're only going to have in the neighborhood of 30 users hitting your infrastructure at any one time you could probably seriously decrease the required hardware to at most a very affordable $2,000 - $3,000 server. On the other hand, if you thought you were going to have substantially more than 100 users, I would probably go above and beyond what Autodesk has recommended. When you're dealing with virtual machines you have to take into account what your other load is going to be in addition to Revit Server. It really is allow about load more than anything. Revit Server itself will run on pitifully low end hardware and support easily a dozen users working on medium size projects, the issues come up when you start dealing with many active projects which likely equals many active users and then also the scope and size of those projects, for instance a multi-million square foot hospital replacement or campus type setting with everything modeled, blah, blah, blah.... Versus a couple of dorm and classroom buildings.

2012-08-09, 05:36 AM
We also have a 2011 project, but that can't use the server at all.

Revit 2011 models can be saved on Revit Server 2012. You just need the subscription download to enable it in Revit 2011.

2012-08-10, 04:23 PM
ok, that's what I was wondering if RS was on its own server, we don't need VM. I like the RS is free answer Cliff. Free if you pay for subscription. ;)
thanks guys