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2003-10-27, 05:49 PM
Interesting news about the use of Revit in high schools...


2003-10-27, 11:25 PM
IMHO. . .

At first glance this seems to be a good thing. However, in my experience it is not. Far too often, high school teachers try to integrate high technology into their studies with the intention of training their students in this technology and better preparing the students for work in the "real world."

The problem with this is that the students learn the technology without ever learning the foundation of construction knowledge that MUST be learned before learning the high technology. This causes the students to learn the technology without understanding the WHY and HOW for everything to work. My biggest problem is getting students to quit "relying" on the technology and truly understand what they are drawing and how it works.

Basically, without the foundation knowledge, the students are learning the shortcuts without ever understanding why the software is providing the tools and answers it does. Thus, they use the technology as a "crutch" and have absolutely no interest in "learning" the foundation.

Just my 2 cents.

2003-10-28, 02:55 PM
I've been talking with a highschool teacher who is now teaching Revit to his students and they are loving it. He taught ADT previously and said it was no where near as good for the students.