View Full Version : Elevation symbol problem

2005-02-01, 09:44 PM
I have a floor plan view where elevation symbols won't show even though visibility is on for elevations in that view. They show in other plan views. Any ideas?


2005-02-01, 09:52 PM
Phases ?

> Elevation views were set for a different phase to that of the plan view ?

Hide Annotation in View ?

Crop Region ?

Scott D Davis
2005-02-01, 09:54 PM
Hide at scale coarser than X???? Edit: oops, never mind. Doesn't work for Elevations.

2005-02-01, 09:55 PM
When I select the symbols in other views where they are visible, I can't see any of the properties you mention begge. Where can I check for that? We are still running 6.1 here.


2005-02-01, 10:00 PM
Both plan views where I can and I can't see the symbols are the same scale. Thanks Scott.

2005-02-01, 10:02 PM
I am talking about elevation tags, I hope I didn't confuse you.


2005-02-01, 10:06 PM
For the phase issue, go to an elevation view and check the properties.

For Crop Region, turn on the crop boundaries and expand out. Or else go to a view with an elevation tag and move the tag close in.

For Hide Annotation in view, right click on the elevation view in the Browser and select find referring views, then go to that view and the blue line will show where the tag is.

When I select the symbols in other views where they are visible, I can't see any of the properties you mention begge. Where can I check for that? We are still running 6.1 here.


2005-02-01, 11:21 PM
Thanks begee, it was the phase.

I was selecting the box of the tag, not the arrow that points to an elevation, that's why I couldn't see elevation properties. These are exterior elevation tags, so they have a single arrow, I never thought that could make a difference.

2005-02-02, 12:43 PM
The phase thing can be confusing! Gotta watch out for it otherwise you become frustrated quickly!!