View Full Version : Linked rvt file Visibility Graphics

2005-02-01, 09:56 PM
Does anyone know when we are likely to get the same visibility control over linked files that we have with "standalone files" ?

Trying to get decent plans elevations, etc. just seems so hard when you only have visibility over the first "level" of categories, you have no control over the sub-categories which makes your plans look less than professional.

Our main items have been the stairs, stringers & rails showing beyond cut-plane because we do not have a choice to hide them.

How is everyone else handling this ?


2005-02-02, 01:06 AM
I have noticed another issue with respect to the visibility of the linked model in one of my projects which is underway.

The '3D view' of the linked model is different from the 'Camera View' of the linked model.
I have attached the images (hidden line model and shading with edges) for you guys to see for yourself.

I created three newer materials with newer fill patterns and applied to three segments of the wall and saved it as Project 1, for testing. I linked Project 1 in to Project 2 and generated the views.
The fill pattern at the bottom was created using a 'download' from Revitcity.com.

Someone correct me if I am missing something here?

2005-02-08, 05:44 AM
Hi Beegee

Got any idea to the problem mentioned above?

I am in abit of trouble with my clients.

2005-02-08, 06:40 AM
I don't see any problem with the linked file views.

Do you mean that the material in the lower band of the wall is " black " in the Camera views ? Thats because of ambient lighting and viewing angles. Doesn't happen when its rendered.

2005-02-08, 05:02 PM
Does anyone know when we are likely to get the same visibility control over linked files that we have with "standalone files" ?

Trying to get decent plans elevations, etc. just seems so hard when you only have visibility over the first "level" of categories, you have no control over the sub-categories which makes your plans look less than professional.

Our main items have been the stairs, stringers & rails showing beyond cut-plane because we do not have a choice to hide them.

How is everyone else handling this ?


This fixing or implementing this function would open alot of doors for anyone sharing Revit files with outside consultants.

2005-02-09, 06:18 AM