View Full Version : Error: Can't unlink file.

Duncan Lithgow
2012-08-08, 10:17 AM
I just got this error and can't find anywhere what is wrong... I'm just wanting to temporarily unlink a linked model. Instead I get the error "Can't unlink file.". It does not offer any further information, no id or anything. Anyone know what's wrong? It can reload without any problem.

2012-08-08, 01:53 PM
Thinking back to AutoCad, there was issues when an External Reference (XRef) was copied in several locations throughout the file. For whatever reason you were not about to remove those xreferences. Although I'm not sure this is the case with Revit, it might be a place to start. I too find the error messages in Revit to be a bit cryptic at times.

Jeff S.

Duncan Lithgow
2012-08-08, 02:43 PM
I've checked and there is only one instance of the link in question (but there were three of another one in the same place which unloaded fine). SO I don't think it's that.

2012-08-08, 03:58 PM
Could it be a link of a linked file set as 'attachment' instead of 'overlay'? Lets say your MEP consultant has a sub consultant for IT, and they have the IT model linked in as 'Attachment'. You don't have access to this file, but it would be brought into your file by the MEP file it's loaded into.

Sorry Duncan, I'm shooting from the hip on this one.

Jeff S.

Duncan Lithgow
2012-08-09, 06:02 AM
That sounds very plausible, but in this case that's not the problem, there are no attached links coming into this model as far as I can see. Thanks for trying to help - it's a real pain this one.